Pat shrugged, pointing at the front desk.”Only one way to find out. I think I’ll go with you.”

January 9th, 1998

Katherine picked up the phone and dialed Janet.

“Hello?” Janet answered.

“It’s your mother.” Katherine replied nervously.

“Oh hey Mother, what’s-”

Katherine interrupted. “Mariah is missing.”

“What?” Janet responded, surprised.

“We’ve called everywhere, all her friends, her staff, her relatives, we can’t find her. Michael even called the hospital to make sure she hadn’t checked herself in but she’s nowhere to be found.”

Janet gasped.

“You wouldn’t happened to have heard from her, have you?” Katherine asked.

“No Mother, I- no.” Janet responded, worriedly.

Katherine sighed. “Baby he is a mess right now. He’s all over the place trying to find her.”

Janet went quiet for a moment. “God this is all so crazy. I wish I had answers mother, I really do. Have you tried Latoya? I know they talk sometimes.”

“Okay, I’ll ask her. Let me call you right back.”

“Alright, keep me posted I’ll call around too.” Janet said.

“Alright baby, I love you.”

“Love you too Mother.”


Katherine quickly dialed Latoya, who was back at Hayvenhurst.


“Toya, it's me.”

“Oh, hi Mother. How are things with Mariah and the girls?”

“Mariah’s missing.” Katherine explained. “Have you heard from her?”

“Oh my God, she's missing? No, I haven't heard from her. How long has she been gone?”

“She left some time last night.” Katherine said.

Latoya sighed. “I can't believe this. I'll keep my eyes open.”

“Thanks Latoya.”

January 10th, 1998

Michael laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Nearly a whole day had gone by since he’d seen or heard from Mariah and no one had answers. He tried her closest friends and family, almost her entire staff, and even tried to reach out to her extended family with the help of Pat.

He sat up on the bed and thought for a moment.

Where the fuck would she go on a Friday morning?

He took a deep breath before jumping out of bed and running down stairs.

“You okay baby?” Katherine asked as he made it downstairs. Since Pat and Alison left for New York, Katherine decided to stay the night with Michael to keep him company.

Michael didn’t answer the question. “Where’s all those phone books we had stacked up in the corner?”

“What phonebooks?” She asked.

Shit. Pat must’ve moved them when she cleaned.

Michael shook his head. “Nevermind.”

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