Chapter 31, Mates

Start from the beginning

Chuckling, I walked up taking the apron and somehow making it fit around my small frame as I tied the excess behind my back, the words stretching the full length of my chest, making me wonder what this would do to Cody when he got back.

Hearing the front door open, I didn’t have to wait long as Helen pushed me around the side of the bench so I was clearly visible.   Didn’t even realise I had begun creeping behind the bench.

Slowly in walked Burt followed by Cody, whose eyes immediately went straight for my apron then looking at my face as Burt burst out laughing whilst Cody looked a little turned on it would seem.

Everyone’s eyes seeming to shift to Cody, he darted his gaze to the floor as Helen nudged me with her told you so wink as I scurried back behind the counter.

Cody and Burt soon left after we’d started cooking; their little meet up giving them a chance to discuss whatever guys did around here.

Licking the stuffing off the large spoon we had used to mix it; Helen was busy putting the three chickens into the oven, her eyes always seeming to watch me so often.

‘I’m assuming licking the spoon wasn’t something you were blessed with doing a home then Vera’?

Now tensing and realising my tongue was practically curled around the spoon as I devoured the leftovers, I quickly put the spoon in the sink pretending I had never done that.

‘Yeah….. Something like that’.

Helen seemed amused with the way I acted, as long as I wasn’t crude or rude as she said, I was apparently a very nice girl……………….which was strange.

It was now turning dark outside as the little solar lights I’d never noticed before, flicked on out the front, their reflective light illuminating near the front porch.

Looking out the window, the clearing seemed so natural in the night, small animals slowly making their way out as if the wolves only patrolled clearings in the day; little did they know.

Dinner was soon served as I helped Helen cut up the chicken; the large knife she gave me, carving through the breast like it took no effort.

The chicken smelt so nice and with vegetables, everything just smelled so good as my mouth began to water looking at all the food.

Somehow Helen must have told Cody I’d agreed to stay somehow; probably using their little mind link club as I began to sit all the plates on the table, Cody and Burt already digging in before Helen and I even sat down.

Sitting down next to Helen and Cody, Helen slapped Burt’s hand away from the chicken as I went to take it, my eyes meeting his with his eyes pretty much asking for a challenge.

His look was soon settled though as Cody must have given him a good kick under the table, the whole table shaking as Cody’s knee hit it, whilst Burt was crippled over in pain beside his chair for a  minute.

‘I was just kidding Cody’.

Chuckling, Burt got up from the ground, his hand curled around the table edge as he pulled himself back up; his eyes not even daring to meet mine for what felt like half an hour.

The spate dining room was decorated so old fashioned; his old draped curtains covering the window as the old style wood table complimented the room’s feature, making the room a little dark but still beautiful.

Burt just had to insist on asking such awkward questions; he wouldn’t have been Burt otherwise.

‘So Vera, when are you going to bless me with little white wolf grandchildren’?

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