Long silence

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The games are over and the punishments begin. His phone was confiscated. His things including his usual clothing and the gifts given to him by his friends were all confiscated and handed to his father. If they had winded up there then it was possible that they were already placed into the trash. He was no left with his dignity and pride or lack there of. And his room change was not helping him at all. The one person he despised in the school was now his roommate. Densil. The same boy who had beaten him, humiliated him, and took everything he had away from him. Now he had to deal with everyday torture.

He awakens to a massive loud pop and when he turns over he sees Densil with a paper bag that was busted open.

"What in the glubbing shell is wrong with you?!" He shouts shoving the boy over. Densil laughs.

"You really are the weirdest failure I have ever seen. Your hair, your habits, the way you speak. What is with that? Honestly you're better off not living here at all. You're not meant for here. But since you were left here means no one must really want you. Like your father," he sighs with such sarcasm that just filled Eridan with rage. He jumps up grabbing his tie and pulling it.

"Clam it you spoiled shrimp, you dont know nothing because you love in a reef rhats filled with nothing but the dull and normal. You need ro back off and just be the goody two shoes that you claim to be. Instead you're a bully that can only feel accomplished by bringing misery to others," he shoves him back and grabs his uniform from his suitcase.

"Keep up with that attitude and i will show you not to mess with us elite boys,"

"Keep up with your behavior and I will show you what an Ampora is made of," he says in reply as he turns with a glare in his eyes. Densil stares at his eyes, and thinks nothing of his gaze. To him he was no threat. All he needed to do was get the boy expelled and out of this place without ruining his own reputation.

Meanwhile, Friday morning and no one has heard from Eridan with the passed two weeks. Sollux and Feferi have tried everything to get into contact with him, but there have been no replies or calls made back.

"So no one has heard from the fish head?" Sollux asks. Everyone shakes their head. He sighs.

"The chief hasn't been heard from at all and no calls have been made to my dad about anything as far as I know. Actually....tonight he wanted me to come over...i don't know why, but the tone in his voice was filled with a sense of anger. His normal attitude of course but different. It's like uh an anger that would strike fear in you,"

"He called my father this morning," Karkat says.

"He called my mother," Feferi says.

"And he called my mother who was not at all pleased to hear his voice," Kanaya says.

"My dad too, so what would he want with our parents?" Sollux wonders. No one could answer his question. They were all at a loss of what to think of it all. And with Eridan on their minds, there was no way they could concentrate hard enough of other matters. All that mattered was his well being. Even if most never liked him to begin with, he was still their friend.

That night everyone decides to gather at Kanaya's home. As they all stayed in the kitchen eating snacks of different kinds, their parents all gathered in the living room.

"Let's listen shall we?" Sollux grins and holds up a speaker.

"What is-?" Karkat was going to ask.

"Hehe I attached a little microphone to my dad when we came. So we could hear their conversation," everyone surrounds the speaker and goes silent.

In the living room, decorated in colors of purple, green, and red, all the adults gathered with Dualscar standing in the center.

"If you could please explain to the rest of us as to why you had to meet every single one of us?" Delerosa asks with her arms folded and her legs crossed.

He pulls up a box he brought in and slams it onto the coffee table and pours everything out. The items were of the things that all of Eridan's friends have gave to him.

"What is hells blue sea is this?" He asks.

"The children had thought of giving items to Eridan so he wouldn't feel as if he was alone at that demented private school you have forced him into," She says with her eyes closed.

"And this?!" He throws the phone to the floor. "What is this?!"

"It's obviously a phone dumbass," Psiionic says.

"Why does he have this?!"

"Sollux and i thought it would be something he could use to keep in contact with his friends,"

"Well look what your god damn gifts have done! Eridan has detention for a month! And hes caused such an astounding record of horrible behavior! He's been caught fighting! Being disrespectful toward his teachers! Injured two students! And even snuck out of his dorm without his uniform and just his phone!" He throws the phone down. "Do you see what this is causing to his reputation as my son?!"

"Shut your mouth," Delerosa stands with her arms folded tightly, and her eyes filled with anger.

"Whatever may have happened is not fully his fault I am sure. He's being tormented there Dualscar and you do not care! You only care toward your own image and reputation than your own child!" She shouts. "I've heard from Kanaya about what goes on there. The punishments and the way the head mistress treats the students especially Eridan! And you also don't even realize how lonely and upset he feels! I even spoke to him on the phone myself and he was in tears! He was being bullied and threatened by other students who are seen as role models! And you don't give a damn what happens to him!" She shouts.

"You never cared about anything but your own reputation fuck ass and it's taken you this long and the loss of your children to even realize that..but you haven't realized it at all. Well tell you this, I plant to get your son out of there," Signless says as he stands.

"Same here, you can't make him suffer for the sake of your reputation," Psiionic says.

Feferi's mother keeps her eyes closed and her arms folded. She keeps silent not really caring as to what is happening however, "I don't mind helping as well, my daughter is being affected by this and her grades are slipping and that's bad, so we will pull him out of that stupid boarding school," she says with a wave of her hand.

In the kitchen, Sollux stares at the speaker as he listens, "They...took away his things and gave them to his dad...?"

"Sollux?" Karkat stares at him.

"Those fuckers....and he doesn't give a damn!" Sollux shouts and bursts out the kitchen doors to the living room. He grabs the phone off the floor and looks over it and sighs with relief. It's not broken. He turns to Dualscar,"Fuck you. Fuck your reputation. And fuck your life. Go burn in hell you piece of shit of a father! How can you act like none of this matters! The last time i saw your son he had bandages and a cast! And you never even went to see him! You don't care about him! You fucking prick!" He shouts stepping closer to Dualscar. Psiionic grabs his arm and pulls him back.

"Sollux stop it. We will handle this,"

"And how long will that take?! Cause as far as i am concerned he's Eridan's guardian so therefore you can't really touch him behind those walls due to a contract that was signed by this bastard!" The others rush in and pull Sollux back. Tears were falling from his eyes, tears of anger and guilt.

"We are not waiting for you guys to handle this! We will handle this ourselves! We won't be silent anymore. You adults can take the long road, we won't!" He storms out the door holding the phone in hid hsnds. He goes to the front and notices Cronus pulling up in a car.

"Hey I heard everything through your other speaker given to me, ready to go get the kid?"

"Cronus where did you get the car?"

"Dude I have a bank account and a job, just get in chief," he says with a smirk. Sollux jumps into the car as the older Ampora drives off to the private school. Unbeknownst to them that Eridan was going to have an even greater amount of pain pushed onto him.

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