Sudden Attack

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As the week begins to end, Eridan grows rather impatient when it came to waiting for Sollux to message him. It was unbearable, but what bothered him most WAS the fact that of all people he waiting for it was Sollux! His own rival. But now he couldn't even tell if they were rivals or not. Everything that had happened made it seem like they were close friends, but truth be told thats not what he had intended it to turn into. He sat at the same tree he would sit at during lunch and sighed as he worked on his homework. He was not okay with this school life. The rules were so strict and the disciplined wasn't any better, and he was unsure if it was even legal. On few occasions he bad mouthed a teacher, and was placed in a small room by himself with no windows or light. Another time, he was asked to hold his hands up. And when he did the teacher smacked it with a ruler. It left his hands red, but when the impact came he cursed up a storm and the teacher did it again and again this time leaving his hands cut. Once the class was over he went to the infirmary where the nurse bandaged up his hands but showed no sympathy toward him especially since he had acted so rude. The other students began to talk and rumors were beginning to unfold.

He sighed and closed his notebook finishing his work with only a few more minutes to spare. He stared at the sky and sighed. But then a few faces blocked his view. And he knew exactly who they were. The three most well respected boys in the school. Densil, Edward, and Chase.

"Look what we have here gentlemen if it isn't Eridan Ampora, laying about under the sky," Densil says with a smirk.

"Can I help you?" Eridan says with a sigh as he gathered his things into his bag.

"Oh no we just wanted to see how our little new classmate was doing after those hits during the week. You really need to watch your mouth Ampora, the teachers don't approve of disgusting language at any time of day," Chase says.

"That's right, we're offering you some natural advice from us who have been here at this school since the beginning of our high school lives," Densil says with a prideful smile. Eridan stares at him wondering if that's how he looked like when he was acting like an idiot at school.

"I don't need nor want any advice from you boys. I dont need it." He stands and holds his bag, "However, what you do need is someone to tell you off since you have your heads far up your ass," he says with a glare. He starts walking away, but a hand pulls him back and throws him into the tree.

"I advise that you watch who you're talking to," Edward says with a low tone. He cracks his knuckles and that's when the attack starts. It only took five minutes, and just as the bell rings the three boys leave laughing at their recent accomplishment. Beating up the new kid. Eridan laid on the ground before the tree barley able to move, and barley able to keep his eyes open. His glasses were broken, his hair a mess from being pulled, his lip busted with a cut, his cheek and body bruised up all over. He felt a few tears slide down his face. Never had he felt so vulnerable in all his life. He slowly tries to stand just to fall to the ground again. All he wanted was to just go home. All he wanted was to be with his friends. Be with Sollux and have their usual duels as he would like to call them.

That night he awoke to a few voices in his bedroom. He was move into his dorm.

"Honestly, it's his first week and hes already gone and insulted our staff and some of our best students here. He needs some serious discipline." A woman says to a man.

"However, a beating of a student is unheard of here. We need to make sure he doesn't tell a soul and make sure that this doesn't leak out tomorrow during the games of the school as the media will be covering the beginning introduction to teams." He says.

'Games? Media coverage?' he thought. Just what were they doing?

"Well we can't allow him to just be sent out there, and he foesnt deserve it anyway with the behavior he has been displaying," the woman said.

"At least have a heart woman, he was just beaten up completely by a few bits and i believe i know who,"

"Does not matter, I am the head mistress and i will decided on that. Therefore he will remain in here during the games next week, 

Eridan continued to listen until his consciousness slipped once more.

Later into the night, Eridan awakens to the sound of his phone vibrating. He slowly sits up and cringes at his wounds that were still healing from his recent beating. He grabs the phone answering it.


"Hey chief, it's your bro Cronus. How you holding up?" He asks. Eridan goes silent and feels his heart tear up. He sniffles.

"Cronus...i just want to go home...." He sobs out quietly.

"Eridan? What happened? Are you okay?"

Eridan sobs out his first week of being at the school and how he was recently beaten up. He just wanted to be home. Where he belonged. He moves slightly while in tears only to gasp at an injury to his side. He falls to the floor and whimpers with a curse.

"Eridan listen to me..I'll try to talk to dad...I don't know if it will work but we will get you back here I promise..." He says just as he hangs up. Eridan pulls himself up onto his bed and clutches onto the bed sheets. He buries his face into the sheets and cries.

"I just want to go home....." He says to himself with a sob knowing that it wasn't going to happen any time soon.

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