Weekend visit

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It's finally a weekend and Eridan was given the chance to atleast see his friends and hang out for a day. He stands before the school with fresh bandages over his wounds from Friday. His glasses broken, but as someone who had enough money he had a spare pair. He waited outside and leaned on the walls as the other boys were also being picked up by their servants, or parents. But then Densil, Edward, and Chase step out the gates and as soon as he does he steps away wanting to avoid them if at all possible.

"Boys take a look it's Ampora, seems as though he's learned his listen since he is now wrapped in up in bandages of shame," Densil says while the other two boys laugh at his despair. Eridan glares at them wanting to throw his own punches to their faces, but if he did his father would become a laughing stock more so than he already was due to his reputation. Another thing was that the event the head mistress and another teacher spoke of was one he was not going to be a part of, and he was certain that his father would want him to participate. However, it was too late for that.

The three boys enter into one car and continue to laugh at Eridan just as Cronus's car pulls up Infront of them skipping their car and on purpose. The three boys stare forward to the car in disbelief, but then their jaws drop even more when all of Eridan's friends start hopping out of the car. And Eridan couldn't be any happier. He glances to the boys and smirks. The three glare and drive off with one throwing a rock to his head, but he managed to move just in time avoiding the impact.

"Were those the jerks that beat you up bro?" Cronus asks as he walks over to Eridan and carefully gives him a small hug.

"Yes...that was them, but forget those insignificant fools for now. I'm rather glad to sea everyone here,"

"Oh yeah haha well almost everyone, Sollux was busy when we called him, but we can take you to see him later though,"

"ERIDAN!!!" Feferi tackles him smiling with joy. He cringes and takes a wedding breath in. She lets fo immediately and apologizes.

"Oh my glubbing cod I'm so sorry, I'm reely sorry Eridan. Are you okay?"she asks.

"Im fine Fef," he says with a smile. Everyone gathered into the car and he couldn't be anymore happier than he already was. However, he was a bit disappointed to not see Sollux with the others. He was hoping to speak to him.

Meanwhile, in the Captor household Sollux sat on his bed with his hands ro his head.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" He says cursing himself out. All week hes been having break down after break down. It wasn't the same without Eridan and now that he's realizing it in reality that he was missing his company he was just irritated over the emotion. He knew Eridan was coming today, and he wanted to see him yes, but at the same time he was also unsure on how to approach him. "Ugh this is bullshit," and what was worse was that Sollux avoided everyone whenever the topic of Eridan was brought up. He couldn't stand hearing his name all the damn time and it just made him seem more like an asshole than anything. He sighs and leaves the comforts of his room and enters into his father's room.

"Hey dad?" He calls out. Psiionic turns to his son as he was busy sitting at the computer typing up a few documents.

"What is it Sollux, I'm rather quite busy,"

"I'm having some fucked up thought processing and it's fucking screwing me over,"

"Is this about Ampora?"


"Sit down and start venting go ahead,"

Sollux sat on his father's bed and took a breath in and as soon he release it words started flying about everywhere.

Foes, Rivals, Or Something More?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя