I don't want your pity

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The next morning, Eridan sits at his desk in silence. Everyone in the class is practically stunned by his unnatural silence. He was always walking and talking with pride for himself, and it usually would bother everyone.

"You're way too quiet for one morning asshead," a boy with messy black hair, and red eyes, and a long sleeved shirt said.

"Kar please..be quiet.....I am not in the mood for any kind of nonsense today..." He says as he stares at the wall.

"Okay there's something wrong with you what the fuck is it?" He says sitting in front of him in a chair.

"You'll find out at some point," he says quietly. Everyone gathers into the classroom as class begins and the teacher does roll call. Eridan silently sits beside Sollux with a frown. He may have made a mistake with everyone he ever had encountered, but that doesn't mean that he wants to leave them. Even Sollux, no especially Sollux. He was the only rival that could equal to him in every way and now he was going to be sent away from everyone and his best rival bro.

"Now before we begin I have a heart breaking announcement to make. This week is your classmate Eridan Amphora's last week. He will be transferring to a private school and will be leaving us. Make sure to not trouble him anymore than you all already do and Eridan truthfully I wish you the best, but don't cause anymore trouble either," the teacher says with a small smile.

Eridan nods slowly and stares down at his desk. Sollux turns to him.

"You're transferring?" He asks.

"Are you deaf or did you not hear the teacher...?" Eridan says quietly.

"Okay so I wasn't imagining shit...is your dad making you do this?"

"Shut the shell up and stop asking me please......it's bad enough to have to sit next to you right now...." He says quietly his voice shaking a bit. He pulls up his scarf a bit to hide his quivering lips and his now red nose. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't do it especially in front of Sollux. He would never hear the end of it. The day begins to roll by and all the while Eridan kept a distance from everyone. Afraid of causing trouble. Afraid of loosing his mind, and afraid of losing more of his freedom.

Sollux watches him throughout the day and wonders whether or not he should talk to him. Not that he fully cares, but he felt that the whole situation was pitiful. And that his father was an actual douche. Now he can't really blame Eridan for his dumb antics, but he was still a douche either way. In their class with Feferi she was rather concerned and was constantly blaming herself for what was happening. Eridan even managed to apologize for is behavior and did it in a non flirtatious way which scared her even more. He wasn't acting like himself. At lunch, Sollux goes outside and calls Aradia telling her of the recent events.

"That's pretty horrible Sollux...what if your dad could talk to his father?"

"Our parents don't see eye to eye either, they're practically older versions of ourselves but his dad is way douchier than mine. But shit...I feel bad now..."

"Well you and him were the cause of it all by being children and fighting. You realize that right?"

"He started it all,"

"You know he just wants attention Sollux...he's from a wealthy family. Just because they are rich doesn't mean they live happily especially the kids. Parents busy with work to focus on them, leaving them wanting to find attention elsewhere,"

"Ugh....are you trying to make me feel bad?"

"No im not but try talking to him sollux you both had a part in this. You need to accept that. Oh and it's okay if you flirt with Fef, she told me what happened...."

"I wasn't flirting! God dammit...!"

"It's fine.....just take care of yourself..and speak with Eridan silly bee," she says. Sollux sighs with a small blush realizing the old nickname she used on him in their relationship. He hangs up after saying goodbye and goes to walk inside when he notices Eridan standing in the hall surrounded by a bunch of thug like older students.

"What the fuck....?" He slowly walks over just as Eridan is punched to the floor. He breaks into a run immediately and bursts through the doors as a kick is slammed into Eridan's stomach.

"Back off assholes!" He shouts as he round houses one thug in the face. He stands before Eridan who looks up at him confused by the fact that his own rival was protecting him. The thugs corner in on them angered by the interference when a yellow and black skateboard hits one upside the head.

"Hey jerks away from my cool bro! And his fishy friend!" Mituna shouts as he runs over with Latula following behind him. Cronus following with his hands in is pockets and a dead glare in his eyes he removes his jacket and tosses it aside. He cracks his knuckles and joins Mituna as they both decide to beat the group down together just this once. Sollux sighs and turns to Eridan who holds his now cracked glasses in his hand loosely. His head down in shame and his back against the wall. Sollux feels his eye twitch. Aradia's words ringing in his head. He groans and holds his hand out to Eridan who looks up at him surprised.

"Either take my hand or sit on the floor all day fish head,"

Eridan smirks a bit and takes his hand as he pulls him up from the ground.

"You both okay man?" Latula asks. Both boys nod as they turn to Mituna and Cronus who walk over uninjured and unphased.

"They were so weak! Not even a good fight! Hehehe! Can't be me! Not when I have my skateboard around! Nope!" Mituna shouts.

"You okay?" Cronus asks Eridan.

"I'm fintastic....thank you..." He says quietly. His brother nods and ruffles up his hair a bit before grabbing his jacket and walking off.

"See ya after school bro! Lets go latula!" Mituna shouts as they both ride their skateboards dosn the hall only to get yelled st by a teacher.

"So much shit in just a few days....yeesh..." He looks to Eridan who stares down at his feet. "Oh my god wipe that stupid look off your fucking face already douchebag!" Eridan snaps his head uo st him."Listen to me alright?! Im fucking sorry for getting you into fucking trouble with your damn dad, and having caused the whole moving away to private school bullshit. I wasn't expecting that shit at all. But I wasn't going to stand around and take your shit anymore,"


"So freaking lighten the fuck up, alright? I'll get my dad to try and spesk to your dad,"

"Sol I really doubt it will work...they hate each other just as much as we despise one another. Probabubbly even more so,"

"So what? It can't hurt to try,"

"It will Sol....trust me..you don't know my father......" He says shoving his hands into his pockets as he turns and walks off down the hall. But he turns to him, "Thanks though....and I'm sorry..." He says before heading to his next class just as the bell rings ending lunch.

"Fucking hell ED...."

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