Ch.2 Double the trouble

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"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" both boys shout. The class stares at them confused while some completely shocked by the outburst. The boy with his scarf Huff's and straightens himself out.

"Sollux Captor,"

Sollux groans and folds his arms, "Eridan Ampora," he says as he faces his old childhood rival.

The two stare each other down, and aren't even aware that the bell had rang causing the teacher to get their attention. The two curse and sit on opposite sides of the room not wanting to be even an inch closer to each other.

"Alright now I will assign your new seats, and whoever you sit with will be your partner for projects or labs is that clear?" The teacher says. The class groans, but the teacher ignores their protests.

"Fucking hell...I hope he doesn't do it...please don't fucking set me up with that numbskull of sea loving idiot," Sollux whispers to himself.

Meanwhile Eridan happened to be praying for the same thing, "Anyone but Sol anyone but Sol, please don't set me up with that horrible scoundrel," he hisses to himself.

"When I call your names, grab your things and sit next to your partner," the teacher begins to call out names and all the while Sollux and Eridan continued to wish for the possible to become impossible. But to their misfortune, their prayers were not answered.

"Captor and Ampora you two are partners," the teacher says with a small smile.

"Fuck!" They both shout slamming their heads on their desks. The teacher folds his arms. "One of you get up and move your behind next the other. I don't want complaints or sudden flashes of unwanted language. Move. Now."

Both of them groan in protest, but the one to move surprisingly was Eridan. He had no choice. His father was a rich politician within the community and he was rather afraid of drawing attention to his father negatively. He refused to threaten his father's image he had in the community. He reluctantly sits beside Sollux while slamming his things onto the desk before him.

Sollux's eye twitches underneath his shades and he leans on his curled up fingers that rested under his chin. The two let out a loud frustrating sigh, loud enough for the class to hear. Including the teacher who threatened to call their parents. Both boys shut their mouths and kept quiet the entire time. Luckily, class ends as the bell rings and the two separate with great joy written on their faces. But in one of the halls Sollux hears a very familiar voice.

"You wanna fight loser?! Lets go bud! Lets go!"

"Fuck..Mituna.." he runs through the crowd and sees Mituna with his fist raised Infront of his face ready to fight. A guy with Eridan's hairstyle, but a cigarette in his mouth wearing clothes from the greaser times, stands scoffing at Mituna as he tosses his leather jacket aside. "Oh's Cronus..."

"Bring it twerp," he says. Mituna tackles him and the two fall to the floor rolling around with Mituna throwing fists and Cronus trying to pin him down.

"Mituna! Get off!" Sollux runs over and pulls him up off of Cronus. The greaser snarls as he glares at Mituna.

"Cronus!!!" We hear another voice shout. He freezes and turns to the direction the voice came from. Another guy steps forward with messy black hair, crimson brown eyes, a red turtle neck, and black pants as he walks forward with his arms crossed. Cronus rubs his head nervously. "Stop fighting with Captor and let's go! You are causing a scene and it's fucking triggering! Excuse my language everyone! Let's get to class before we are late now!" He grabs the greaser's ear and his leather jacket as he drags him down the hall, all while nagging him to no end. Sollux sighs as he turns Mituna to face him while the other students clear up the hallways.

"What the hell is your problem?! You can't go picking fights on our first day Mituna! You got to stop!"

"Hey hey hey that douchebag started it! He kept flirting and shit with my radical girl!"

"Wait what?"

"Latula! Latula you know latula! Cool chick on a skateboard?! Yea her! He kept flirting with her and making me made so i had to fight him!"

"Shut the fuck up and get to fucking class before the school has to call dad on our first god damn day here do you fucking hear me? I mean as much I hate Ed and his family I can't change that and as much as it amuses we can't afford to get into trouble so go,"

Mituna grumbles and picks up his skateboard as he runs to his next class leaving behind a frustrated Sollux.

"Fucking idiot...damn..." He sighs and heads to his next class only to bump into another familiar face. It was one of the piexes girls. Her hair traveled all the way down to her waist and her clothing had the design of an outfit you would wear at the beach. She sat at a desk in the front of the classroom. He walks in and looks at her.

"Feferi right?"

"Hm?" She looks up at him and squeals,"Oh my cod Sollux! It's so glubbing nice to see you!" She smiles. He sits beside her.

"It has been a while hasn't it. I think I only saw you a few times when we were kids,"

"Oh right! Yeah whoever we played with Eridan,"


"Excuse me but remove yourself from my girlfriend's side now you insignificant loser," they look up to see Eridan who had his arms folded and a glare of hatred in his eyes.

"Fuck..." The only word Sollux could even managed to say.

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