Ch.1 What the hell?!

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Sollux Captor. An average teenage boy who is leaving the big city due to certain reasons. He hates the thought of moving, mainly due to the fact that he was leaving his old life behind, including his girlfriend. Or well used to be girlfriend Aradia Megido. Due to the move the relationship fell apart. He wasn't sure what they were now, but they were still on good terms. They speak to each other everyday and never miss the chance to talk over the phone. He couldn't remember the last time he was ever in Florida, but he does remember one thing or rather he remembers someone. A kid he pretty much hated a hell of a lot. You could say they were foes or rivals, either way they never got along well. He remembered the kid being rich, spoiled, and a complete whiner. The only thing he was good for was when they would have these little duels with fake wooden swords and they would pretend to be enemy pirates. There was something else he actually and only liked about the kid, he never ceased to amuse him.

It's early afternoon, and the family had finally arrived to their home. The moving truck had arrived already and everything was being put inside. He gets to his bedroom and sees his bed, which looked pretty inviting but instead he decides to unpack his things. He unpacked his clothes, his computers and laptops, tablets, and more electronics. He unpacked his bumble bee pajamas, and also his bed sheets of black and yello stripes. Once finished with everything he decides to give Aradia a call. He dials her number and waits.

"Hi Sollux! How did moving in go?" She asks.

"It went just as good as it could get," he replies with his lisp speech impediment stepping in the way.

"Did it take long?"

"Nah not really, it was pretty easy. Tomorrow im heading to school...first day ugh...."

"Well I'm sure it will be fun, better than not being around others and making friends right? And hey didn't you say that you had a rival who lived down there?"

"Yeah but hes a rival why would I want to be friends with an asshole of a rich fucking fish boy, who doesn't know the difference between his lack of fashion and lack of common sense,"

"I'm sure he's matured by now Sollux. If he's still there...that is.."

"Yeah well...I'm sure he's not..and hope he's not," he says with an irritated groan. His rival was someone who he could never stand as a kid. Someone who completely pissed him off more than anyone could.

"Don't be a stranger Sollux okay? Good night" she says.

"Yeah right...good night," he hangs up and sighs. Coming back to this area filled him with nostalgia. The last time he was here he was on a boat screaming curses to his rival over and over about his hatred for him. He lays back on his bed and removes his glasses opening his eyes as he stares at the ceiling.

"Well cheers to another god damn moving experience and hoping not to see that damn pitiful excuse of a rival," he says and closes his eyes.

The next morning he awakens to a loud crash heard in his bedroom. He sits up fast and looks over to see his older brother Mituna laying on the floor with his skateboard under him.

"What the fuck Mituna!?" He shouts.

"Wake up! Wake up! We gotta go sollux! It's almost time for school to start! It's gonna be so cool and radical! Hurry up!" He runs out the room at top speed leaving behind the newly formed dent in the wall. Sollux groans in protest, but gets out of be anyways. He changes his clothes and puts on a regular black shirt with the Gemini symbol on it, khaki pants, black shoes and his blue and red shades. He washes up, grabs his bag, and grabs his lunch before running after Mituna out the door.

"Mituna hold on!"

"You're too sloww!" His brother shouts as he keeps on skating toward the school. Sollux let's out a frustrating sigh. He's been sighing a lot lately and he believed it was because of the stress from moving and his recent break up with Aradia. He just hopes that school won't be so stressful,but then again being the new kid and being looked up by a crowd doesn't feel like it will be fun. What choice did he have? None. He enters the school and looks at his schedule. His first class was science. Not a bad class to start with. He walks down the halls avoiding the looks he was getting from others as he enters his classroom and finds a seat. He waits and waits for the bell to ring, but then a sudden flags of purple caught his attention. And when he looked over he jumped up immediately and pointed to the figure wearing a purple striped scarf.

"Wha the fuck?!"

The boy turns to him and his eyes widen with great shock. He lifts a finger pointing to him. And all at once they both speak or rather shout over the entire class.


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