Protective much...

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(BB and OP father son moment requested by francisnicoleprime  thanks so much for your request 😄)

A small yellow and black youngling ran towards his sire's room. He had just gotten the best idea into his little brain and wanted to share it with his sire. He happily burst into the room to find Optimus talking to a few of the older mechs in the room.

"Sire, I have a great idea! Oh, hi uncle Jazz!" He beamed. The white and blue mech smiled and responded with a wave. Optimus smiled as he looked down to where the noise had come from.

"Just a moment Jazz. What is it Bee?" He asks as he bends down to Bumblebee's height.

"I want to become a warrior!" He burst with excitement. Optimus's expression went from interested to extremely serious.

"Absolutely not." He responds as he stands up. Bumblebee then proceeded to put on his best pouty face as he began to whine and complain.

"Why not? All the other mechs get to be warriors. Why can't I?" He pouts. Optimus looks down at him with a kind expression.

"Because, it's a dangerous thing to be doing. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." He responds. Bumblebee looks down for a moment.

"I'll be careful." He responds, hope in his voice that his sire will allow him to begin training. Optimus chuckles slightly.

"It's not that simple buddy. Besides, you're too young anyways." He says. Bumblebee nods his head and walks out the door.

~a few years later~

Bumblebee pressed his servos together as he pleaded again for Optimus to let him begin training.

"Aw, come on Sire! I'm old enough now. I understand the risks and I'm willing to take them! For Cybertron! Come on pleeeeaaase???" His round optics widened to their fullest extent. Optimus sighs. He's right, he is old enough to start training now but, was it safe enough to let him? He promised Elita-1 before she passed that he wouldn't ever let anything happen to Bumblebee. And he intended to keep that promise. He looked back towards Bumblebee to tell him no again but, the look in his optics made his spark melt. He sighs again.

"Fine... but only training for now, no missions yet!" He reluctantly says. Bumblebee's while faceplate brightens up at his Sire's response.

"YES!!!" He shouts. He runs up to his sire and hugs him.

"Thank you sooo much!! I've always wanted to help fight alongside you and the other Autobots!" He exclaims happily as Optimus begins to regret his response. But it was too late, Bumblebee had already left. At least he was happy. For now... He doesn't know what war can do to you. He doesn't have the same experiences Optimus does. Maybe if he sees what it's like, he'll come back and decide not to participate...

~another few years later~

"Optimus! We have a situation..." Optimus's best friend Ratchet says.

"Megatron?" He asks. Ratchet shakes his helm.

"No, Bumblebee." He says. Optimus's optics widen in horror as he realizes what Ratchet might be about to say.

"He's not dead, is he?!" Optimus asks panicked. Ratchet shakes his helm.

"Luckily, no. Although he is in a very critical condition. He's stable but also hooked up to life support." Ratchet explains. Optimus sighs in relief that Bumblebee isn't dead but soon gets worried again.

"Can I see him?" He asks.

"He's not awake yet but, I'm sure it won't harm anyone for you to go see him anyway. Although, I should be prepared for you to end up with a spark attack..." Ratchet informs Optimus as they head towards the medical bay. They enter the room and Optimus rushes over to Bumblebee. He's covered in scratches and dents. He's got energon all over him and a few torn cables around his neck. Optimus's worry soon turns into anger.

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