Dreams arent always nice pt. 2

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Warning this chapter contains content that might make you want to cry so beware. This is one of the sad one shots I was referring to in my first chapter, Notice. So yeah, you have been warned.

Dream sequence/memory

The two younglings had been running for a while now. They were almost at the edge of the city of Kaon. They found a little store that they could hide in until Icefire's carrier told them it was safe to come back. About thirty minutes after they entered the store, Icefire's carrier called.

::Hey boys, it's safe to head back to the house now. Lockdown's gone home. In Fact, I will send a groundbridge to you guys.:: She says.

::okay, thanks carrier.:: Icefire says back. A few moments later, a groundbridge appears.

"Let's go" Icefire says to Bee. Bumblebee nods his helm. As they walk through the groundbridge, Bumblebee suddenly gets a bad thought.

"Icy, what if Lockdown is still there and he forced your carrier to say that?" Icefire just gives him a blank look.

"I guess we'll just have to trust that he didn't." He says as they exit the blue and green portal. As they step out, they don't see Lockdown anywhere so they assume it's safe to keep going. As they enter the house, Icefire's carrier comes running up to them and hugs them both. Bumblebee, being the type of bot who doesn't typically receive hugs, is shocked at the gesture but quickly returns it, liking how safe it makes him feel. Eventually, the femme lets go.

"I'm so glad you're safe, both of you. Bumblebee, you can stay here as long as you want or need. You deserve a better home than what you had with that terrible mech." Bumblebee smiles gratefully and replies with a thank you.

~Time skip to around 2am Cybertronian time~

As Bumblebee and Icefire peacefully recharged, a shadow moved along the wall towards the window. Once it arrived at the window, it became more than a shadow. The mech to whom that shadow belonged quietly began to open the window. As soon as it was open, he quietly snuck through and into the room. He looked around until he found his goal. He grabbed what he wanted and in its place, left a note. The mech then stealthily left the way he came. The window closed as quietly as it had been opened and soon, the mech was but a shadow on the wall again...

Bumblebee could feel pain in his arms and legs as he onlined his optics. His vision was a bit blurry at first but once his optics adjusted, he wished he'd never opened them at all. He was back at his house with Lockdown. He was down in his basement. As he looked around the room and saw all of Lockdown's tools and instruments he felt his spark sink to his pedes and a new panic rising inside of him. He tried to move but soon realized he was cuffed to the wall. He knew that Lockdown had been angrier than ever with him when he ran away. Especially since he drugged him. So, he definitely had reason to fear the future. Suddenly, the door at the top of the steps up to the rest of the house slid open and a horrifying figure stood at the top of the steps. Bumblebee's breath began to be a bit more hitched as he began to panic. His vision began to blur as he attempted not to start crying. He learned how to be strong over the years with Lockdown but he's never been so scared before. Lockdown walked up to Bumblebee and electrocuted him with an energon prod. Bumblebee did his best to stay strong and react to the pain but Lockdown had put the prod on the highest setting. Eventually, Lockdown pulled the prod away and glared with angry optics at the injured youngling.

"Okay, so you drugged me and ran away! Did you actually think you'd be able to stay away from here?! No energon for a month and don't be expecting me to let you out of here anytime soon." He growls as he heads back into the main part of the house. It was at that moment that Bumblebee lost all hope of ever making it out of there alive. Suddenly, his commlink went off.

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