Chapter 12: Revealing Amber Liu

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"umm.... what do you mean? Exactly." I asked .
"I already told you" Jiyong said, "she murdered my father. Made my decade hell, up to the point where I decided to take revenge---"
"What exactly did you do, Jiyong?" I interrupted.
"Can you stop asking & listen" Jiyong said annoyed.
"Ok ok sorry" I said frightened.
"Anyways" Jiyong said, "To answer your question, I just played a simple prank on her, by simple prank is making this rumor up that her ex/past crush had feelings for her. She bought roses for her, she wanted everyone's eyes on her, when she gave the beautiful red & pink flowers (her crush's favorite color) to her. Unfortunately, her crush was very well-known, as should we say, popular. When she gave a very long speech about how much she loved her, and how much she missed her, how much she wanted her in her bed again. Everyone was laughing, everyone was recording the whole thing, her crush loved the fame. Gabrielle, loved the fame, the video taking, the pics. So, she just laughed at her for it. And burned the roses right in front of her face. Almost causing Amber to be burned alive.
"Oh Amber jeje, can't you see I only wanted you for your money, your looks did deceive me, but, not enough to make me swoon. Besides, not to mention these pathetic roses, are they even real? haha, oh god Amber I left you broke! Oh my lord! Pathetic, just pathetic"
*Burns roses*
"Oh, and also ummmm tell your friend Kwon Jiyong I said hi"
"At that moment..... I knew I was fucked." Jiyong said, "however I didn't think she would go to extremes, and murder my father, of course, she was aiming at me. My father of course, protected me from the gunshot..... It should've been me."
Jiyong started to cry....
I just stood there, wanting to cry, not only because I felt bad for Jiyong but, that Amber never truly loved me. I was just a reminder of a cold bitch.
"O-oppa" I shivered out.
Jiyong looked at me with puppy eyes.
I starred at him deeply, his dark shade of brown eyes.
We both sharply leaned in.....

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