Chapter 7: Amber's death

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I started to breath heavily. NO NO NO NO NO NO. This can't be happening. Am I turning Lesbian? I'm completely freaked out. I have never liked a girl before. I'm 23. I know who I am. I had everything certain. Memories of I & Amber started to replay on my head continuesly. I forced myself to stop thinking about it but I couldn't. I had no one to talk to right now, not even Mar-ja. If Jiyong knew, I would be in big trouble. Because he knows how much a loved ones death pains me. I had to keep this a secret, only to myself. & honestly right now, I don't know what I would do if Amber was dead. I'm terrified for that to happen because I think I'm deeply inlove with her right now.
"Did it have to happen when she's in a coma?" I said talking to myself. "Why couldn't it happen when she was awake? Next to me. Annoying me. Making me feel better about the incident. But I guess that's the way how love works, it happens when you least expect it."
I hear the house phone ring.
My hands were trembiling, I really didn't know what to do at this point. My eyes were starting to get watery. I slowly approached to the phone and finally, I decided to pick it up.
"H-hello..." I said.
"Gabriellé..." A manly voice said, but not as manly as the doctor's. So I knew right away who it was.
"What do you want Jiyong?"
"Nothing much. Just wanted to talk to you."
I sigh "Jiyong, I need time alone."
"Nah your fine unnie."
"Unnie? He has never called me that before? Something must be really up."
"Jiyong, what do you want?"
"Does it look like I need something?"
"Yes. Cause you called me unnie. I'm not going to forget what happened Jiyong."
"C'mon take a break. Stop worrying so much."
"SHUT UP OPPA!" I yelled.
"Oppa?" He evily laughed.
What did I just say...
"That was by accident."
"I don't think it was."
"Watch it." He warned me.
"I'm not watching shit. Go ahead take me. I don't even wanna live anymore."
The phone went in complete silence for a couple of minutes.
"Wow. This Amber thing must've gotten to you very badly." He said without a care in the world.
"Because she's the only one that took care of me when nobody was there to help. But now, because of you -- she might be gone in a couple of months, OR EVEN YEARS. I DON'T KNOW WHEN SHE'S COMING BACK OKAY."
I suddenly heard a loud banging on the door.
"Open it." said Jiyong
"Jiyong were you in front of Amber's door the whole time?"
"I said, OPEN IT."
The banging started to increase.
I immediately grabbed a kitchen knife & put it behind my back. I slowly opened the door.
There was a scared & bloody Jiyong in front of me. He smelled like cigarettes & beer combined in one. His clothes were torn part. His hair was really messy. His blond roots turned into dark red because of the blood. I was terrified. I just looked at him wide eyed.
"Let. Me. Stay. Here. For. A. Couple. Of. Minutes." Jiyong said between breaths.
"No." I coldly said.
I shut the door halfway until Jiyong comes & puts all his force onto the door for he can fully open it. I too put all my force onto the door for it would close but it was no use, he was very strong.
He managed to get the door fully opened. Once he did the door smashed all the way onto the wall making a loud bang sound. He comes up to me with an angry face.
I forgot that he was a psychopath. If I did remember I would've straight up stabbed him. I feel like he's a normal person for some reason. I had no fear being around him whatsoever. Well, sometimes... He has the strength of a 200 pound wrestler. His height was 6x bigger than mines. I'm 5'3, he looks like he's 5'9. He's small for his age however his strength has nothing to do with his height.
I'm afraid that he'll hit me. His punches are too much. I don't wanna be punched by him again. It hurts, however I did remember the last time he punched me. I don't even know how I didn't cry. Cause his punches hurt like a bitch. I backed away while he was approaching to me.
"Jiyong, what are you doing here?" I asked, trying not to sound scared.
"I don't want my little sister to see me like this." He explained.
"Oh." He has a point. If I was his sister & I saw him like that. I would scream at the top of my lungs.
"Your lucky you have a good excuse." I smirked.
"Don't I always." He smirked.
"No you don't."
"Oh well. But other people fall for it so."
"Yeah, But I'm not one of them."
"Your smart. I bet you were a smart student when you were a young girl."
"I was. But I did hate school with a passion-- Wait. Why are we talking about me being a good student?"
"No reason." Jiyong smirked.
For some reason I knew what he was gonna do. But at the same time I couldn't put my finger on it. Cause by now, I know him very well. I mostly now that he will do anything to make my life a living hell.
"You want anything to eat?" I asked just to brush off my thoughts.
"Yeah. Um, can you make Sushi?" Jiyong asked.
"I-I don't know how to make Sushi."
Jiyong gets up from the couch.
"Do I have to show you?" He asked in an angry tone.
"You don't have to. Just order Chinese food or something."
Jiyong laughed. He laughed like a normal person should. Not like a psychopath. I had to admit, it was cute the way he laughed.
"Nice laugh you got there." I said, pretending it was a weird laugh.
"Shut up." Jiyong said.
"So how do you cook sushi again?" I asked with a smirk on my face.
"Wait women."
"I'm hungry also. So I can't wait."
"Too bad."
"Why can't we just order sushi?"
"Cause no."
I opened my mouth but words did not come out of me. I want wanted to say a million things but my mouth wasn't capable to say them.
Jiyong chuckled evilly knowing that I couldn't say anything back to him.
I was afraid to sit down. Cause every time I looked at a couch. It reminded me of that scenario that me & Jiyong had. & now, with him & me being alone in Amber's house.... I just can't....
"I'm going to my room to try to get some sleep."
"You can't."
"Why not?"
"Because your gonna help me make sushi."
"I don't even know how to make that."
"I'll teach you then."
"Please Jiyong, just for an hour. I'm really tired." I begged.
"Fine." He said. I was surprised that he let me.
I immediately went to Ambers room. I went to the side were she always slept.
The bed felt very cold. The room's temperature was probably at 50 degrees ferinheight. But the warm covers made me warm. I just closed my eyes & while time passes I just had scenarios of me & Amber.
We had a wedding & that same night something beautiful happened... We made love.
I opened my eyes to let go of that scenario. I look around the room. I felt that something wasn't right. But I decided to just brush it off.
I slowly close my eyes. Not thinking about anything. I'll just let time do its own thing.

Amber's P.O.V.
"Huh? Where am I? How did I get here?" I looked at a few people who were right in front of me. "Excuse me?" I raised my voice loud enough for they can hear me. Once they heard my voice they looked around confused.
"What the fuck? I'm right in front of you."
I realized I was in the hospital.
"DOCTOR!!!" the nurse ran to the doctor. "Ms.Liu is dead."
When I heard those words..... My heart completely drowned.

Mind of its own (Gdragon fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon