Chapter 5: Clueless

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"Well then, then it's a date" Jiyong smirked at me. "Here's the address to our house. See you there."
I got up & we all bowed.
"Be there at 5 p.m. sweetheart" Jiyong whispered into my ear.
I flinch & his little sister looked at me confused, I nodded to make her sure that I was okay.
By now I was alone in the hospital waiting for Amber to get out. I don't want them to tell me that Amber was dead. I certainly don't want that. That's the last thing in life that I need right now.

2 hours later...
"Ms.Marie..." The doctor said in a serious tone.
"Yes doctor?" I asked worried.
"I'm afraid to tell you this but Ms. Amber Liu is in a coma."
How the fuck can that happen? They just needed to remove the bullet from her stomach.
"HOW COULD HAVE THAT HAPPENED?!?" I asked the doctor curiously.
"While the nurses were trying to take the bullet out of Amber they accidentally hit a nerve thinking it was a bullet. Also Ms.Marie, while we were taking x-Ray pictures of her stomach we found a tumor on her head."
Why does bad luck always run into me? I know I'm a good person.
I didn't even felt like crying. I just question myself why is karma making things worse for me.
I sighed "okay doctor. When is Amber waking up?"
"We don't know Ms.Marie. But if she doesn't wake up soon, I'm afraid she'll die."
I held a deep breath.
"May I see Amber, Doctor?"
"You may."
The doctor got out of the way for a can pass by.
While I followed the doctor I looked side to side at the patience. Some were in a coma, some were having a seizure, some were even dead... & the person next to the hospital bed is crying their eyes out. I was terrified, but I wanted to help them so badly.
"Right here Ms.Marie" the doctor let me in.
When I saw Amber she wasn't herself anymore. I heard the door close behind me.
I slowly walk up to Amber's bed or possibly her death bed.
"God Amber I don't want you to die on me, please I'm begging you your the only thing I have right now. Don't leave me alone..." I said out loud hoping that Amber could hear me.
She just layed there. Peacefully...
I pulled up a chair & sat next to her.
"Thank you for saving my life" I smiled. "& I'm sorry you ended up like this, because of me... You know, I dreamt of you & me becoming the bestest friends. We even bought us a new big house" I smiled. "But we can't do that, your in a coma..." I said sadly. "Please wake up Amber. You have something serious in your head! THE NURSES & DOCTOR CAN'T SAVE YOU FROM IT UNLESS YOUR AWAKE!" I yelled.
Amber just layed there like she was dead.
I stood up from the chair & kissed her on the cheek & walked out of her room.

My phone rang & I picked it up.
"Hello?" I answered.
"When are you coming over?" A familiar voice said.
"Excuse me who is this?" I asked.
"Kwon Jiyong."
"How the fuck did you get my number?"
He chuckled "don't worry about it."
"You realize I'm only coming over just because of your sister right? Watch how you play it with me or ill end up telling your sister the truth."
"Even if you did, would she believe you?" He chuckled. "I don't think so."
I whispered "I know more than you think."
I chuckled evily "figure it out yourself."
"Nah. I'm just glad I'm almost done with my job."
"What do you mean by "Job"?"
"It wasn't your fault that Amber is now in the hospital. It's mine. But why would I be blaming it on me? I don't feel bad one bit."
"Not like me? HA! She hasn't told you yet has she?"
No. No more bad luck raining on me, I'm tired of this shit.
"I don't care what she did. She's changed. She saved my life. & I love her, that's all that matters." I hung up.
I sat on the couch for a good 10 minutes to rewind all the bad things that has happened to me for the past 5 days. I hate Jiyong for what he did to me & Amber, he has to get his revenge. I don't care who's gonna spoil up in prison, he deserves the best revenge in the universe. I got Amber's keys & went to his house.
I rung the door bell.
"MARIE UNNIE!" Jiyong's little sister said.
"Hello there. May I come in?"
I came in. His house was big for only 3 people, well 2 for now...
"Mar-ja, who's that?" Jiyong called out as he walked down the stairs. He stopped when he looked at me.
"Oh. You came" Jiyong smiled.
"Yes I did" I smiled back at him.
"Can I show her around the house oppa?" Mar-ja asked.
"No Mar-ja, just go play with your toys. I have to talk to her, it's something important."
Mar-ja went to her room.
"So" Jiyong said.
"Nothing at all actually. I just came here for your little sister."
"Why are you so attached to my little sister but not me?" I could tell by his tone he sounded a little bit jealous.
"Because she's what 7? & your 26. You can take care of yourself but she can't."
"Some adults these days want to be taken care of I guess."
"Not really. They just miss certain type of people that's all. Like me with Amber for example."
We both stood silent.
"Or me & my mother."
I looked up at Jiyong.
"Killers do have an awful past. It's either accept it or feel sorry for it."
"I don't feel sorry about it, I just like tourchering people."
"Correction, kill. You almost caused me my life. I would've been dead by now if it wasn't for Amber."
"You realize your having a conversation with the person who almost caused you your life right?" Jiyong asked.
"Yeah. But I doubt that you wouldn't do anything to me" I smirked. "Since your little sister knows me. She would be even more heartbroken & scared of you because I'm filling in as her mother."
Jiyong looked so pissed. It looked like he wanted to punch me but whoops, he couldn't jeje.
"Go ahead, hit me" I smirked.
Jiyong calmed his temper down by taking a deep breath.
"Trust me. Now that you don't have Amber & when my little sister is not here, I will get you."
"Who said I needed anybody to take care of me? What? You thought my parents didn't teach me anything? I'm smarter than you think I am. All I have to do is think like you, but smarter" I smirked.
Jiyong anger rised up.
I laughed "oh this will be to easy."
"To easy? You think I'm some dumbass killer like those other killers in the world?" Jiyong asked.
"Well I'm not."
"Looks like you are one."
Jiyong face palmed himself. I laughed. Oh god this is going to be so easy. He'll pay for what he did to Amber.
"Well I'm going to play with your little unnie if you don't mind me" I said sarcastically.
"It's fine. But if you tell her anything about me that she doesn't know I'll kill you" he threated me.
"When exactly are you going to tell her?"
"I think you should. It's worse if she finds out. At least she'll be thankful that you had the balls to tell her."
"Whatever she's too young right now for me to tell her."
"Whatever." I walked away.
I went searching for mar-ja & I found her in the backyard sitting on the bench looking like she was thinking about life.
I knocked on the glass door hard enough for she can hear me.
She signaled me to come in.
I opened the door & sat next to her.
"Whatcha thinking about?"
"Why mom?"
"Because I wonder if she's going to die. For good."
"Oh." It's all I managed to say out of my mouth.
"After father left us mother has been a wreck. Good thing I have a great brother who feeds me & her. Cause if it wasn't for him, we would be homeless by now."
"You know if it wasn't for Amber, I would be dead by now."
"I figure."
We both laughed.
"But I'm here. & now she may be the one who's gonna die in a hospital bed. So I guess we're kinda in the same circle."
"Yeah." She smiled.
"Who exactly almost took your life?" She asked.
I couldn't tell her it was her brother, I would've said it by now but after I heard about the homeless thing I just didn't have the devil inside me to do it. I guess my angel side won.
"I never got to see there face." I lied.
"Oh that's too bad."
"Yeah it is."
"Would you like to sleep over here tonight?"
I was shocked by her question.
"I-I I can't. Because I don't want to feel like Amber's farther away me than she already is." I half lied, the thing about Amber was true.
Things went by so fast. Really fast. & I don't want it to go faster.

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