Chapter 4: Surprises

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Gabrielle's P.O.V.
I woke up seeing Amber asleep. I smiled at her knowing she looked so calm & peaceful. I was scared of what happened to her last night. But she assured me that everything was okay. So why not believe her? She was the one who did save my life right? If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be alive right now. It has just came into my head that I need to go to my university to see if I'm still able to study there. If I'm not then I'll just apply to another one. But I really like the university I'm in. Cause of all the friendly teachers & students there. I calmly got out of bed to get ready to go to the university.
"Why you up so early?" A tired female voice said.
"I have to see if I'm not kicked out of my university seems I've missed so many days there" I responded with a worried tone.
Amber fully opened her eyes, like if she was fully awake.
"Your not going by yourself. That pyscho must be looking for you."
"Don't worry. I was about to ask you if you could come with me" I smirked.
"Good" Amber smirked. & got up from the bed.
"I'm going to make breakfast. Whatchu want?" Amber asked.
I looked down "I don't really feel like eating."
"Your going to eat" Amber said strictly.
I just rolled my eyes at her.
"Don't roll your eyes at me" Amber must've noticed.
"What? I didn't do that" I said smiling.
"Your such a liar. Why are you a liar huh?" Amber smirked.
"Cause..." I smirked.
Amber chuckled "Just take any clothes that you want from my closet & go take a shower."
"Okay mother" I came up to her & kissed her on the cheek. It was good she reminded me of my mother, I miss her so much. When I kissed Amber on the cheek she seemed to blush like crazy. But I meant that kiss so it didn't really matter to me.
"Why did you just kiss me?" Amber asked.
"Cause you reminded me of my mother" I smiled. "I miss her a lot."
Amber stared at me with a poker face. It seemed to me that she was thinking that my mother was dead. & she is dead.
"I-I'm sorry" Amber said.
"It's okay" I smiled.
We both went our separate ways & both did our thing.
"Breakfast is ready!" Amber yelled.
"COMING!" I shouted.
"YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL I'M NOT DEATH!" Amber yelled back.
"YOU LOOK LIKE YOU ARE!" I giggled when I said that.
I came out wearing a plain black t-shirt & black regular jeans & Nike Air Force Ones shoes.
"You look cute."
"That's because I'm wearing your clothes."
"Your cute either way" Amber smirked.
"Why you giving me compliments?" I blushed a little.
"Because you deserve to get them."
"Not really."
"You do. I don't care what you think."
I blushed a little. STOP IT GABS.
"Just give me the breakfast Am."
"Am?" Amber noticed.
"Yes Am."
"Why Am."
"Cause Am."
Amber laughed a little. & sat down with me on the table to eat breakfast.
"Hey Gabs um I have to tell you something."
"Yes?" I was kinda worried of what she was about to tell me. I hope it isn't nothing bad.
"I'm... Bisexual."
My stopped chewing on my food & looked directly at her.
Amber looked at me with a worried face.
"I love you for whatever" I said.
Amber looked like a happy puppy. Aww... She's adorable sometimes.

Amber's P.O.V.
"I love you for whatever" Gabs said.
You won't love me if you found out about my dark past... Would you? I didn't think so. I don't know what I would do if she left. I know we know each other for days but there's something about her...
"Amber I don't want anymore" She whined.
"Eat" I strictly said.
"Because you need it. Look how healthy you look. Your getting your color back."
"I know but I'm fool."
"I don't care."
She whined & whined until I stabbed the fork in the pancakes & stuck the whole thing in her mouth.
"That's what you get for being a stupid girl."
"I'm not a girl. I'm a woman."
"You act like a little girl."
I finished feeding Gaby so I just got my keys & drove with her to the university.
Gabrielle P.O.V.
"You have a nice car here" I said trying to break the awkward silence.
"Thanks" it's all Amber said.
"So who do you like?" I randomly asked.
Amber looked at me like I was crazy.
"No, girl" I interrupted.
Amber looked at me now like I was a pyscho.
"No one" she smirked.
"Why the fuck does she always do that smirk?" I asked myself. Even though it suits her, a lot.
I sighed & just looked out the window. But then I saw a black figure pulling out a gun. The figure revealed his face. My heart immediately stopped. My face began to turn red as a tomato. But I had to tell Amber.
"Amber, drive faster!" I sorta yelled.
"AMBER PLEASE GO AS FAST AS YOU CAN. I DON'T WANT YOU HURT!!!!!" I was shouting this time.
Amber went faster & faster. She looked really calm. Why?
"I know what I'm doing. Please believe in me" Amber looked at me directly in the eye.
I just looked down. & silently prayed to God that we make it out alive. While I prayed I saw a gun. My eyes were wide opened.
"A-Amber, why do you have this in this your car?" I carefully pulled out the gun.
Amber looked at me shocked & directly snatched the gun out of my hand.
"Don't touch this!" She yelled.
"Why souldn't I? & why do you have this in your car?!?" I yelled back.
"That's none of your business!" Amber yelled back.
"None of my business huh? Well then how come I told you about G-dragon huh? THAT WASN'T NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS BUT I DECIDED TO TELL YOU CAUSE YOU LOOKED TRUSTWORTHY BUT I GUESS WE DON'T TRUST EACH OTHER!" I yelled louder. We both went silent. As I saw through the window the black figure kept on walking on the same road we were in also he tried to be as the same level of the car. He isn't gonna give up is he? Until one of us reacts to it.
"Amber pull the trigger, or I will" I said seriously.
"Don't" said Amber.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because no."
I grabbed the gun, she noticed & we tug-a-war for it. Until I pulled the trigger...
"NO! AMBER!" I put my hand on her stomach, where the gun was shot. The car was starting to loose control, so I tried to stir it. I stopped the car & moved Amber to where I was & moved to the driver's sit.
"Amber please don't give up on me" I said for Amber can here me. "I'm sorry."
"J-Just D-Drive" Amber said holding her stomach.
I got kinda pissed off that she said it to me with such attitude. But I guess I deserved it...
I drove as fast as I could. By now I didn't care if the black figure was following us. Amber saved my life so I'd rather die for her instead of seeing her die because of me...
I got to the hospital & carried Amber bridal style. I know we looked like an lesbian couple but I could've cared less. When I saw a doctor wandering the hallways I yelled out "DOCTOR!"
The doctor gave me a scared look.
The doctor quickly got a hospital bed & layed her down on it & quickly rush in into the emergency room. When the two big white doors closed, I immediately started to cry.
"Excuse me?" A little girl voice said.
I turned around to see the little girl, holding her brown teddy bear. She looked like she was crying also. Cause her eyes were red & watery, also her eyes were puffy.
"Why are you crying?" said the little girl.
I wiped my tears & took in a deep breath "It's b-because my best friend has a serious injury."
"What kind of of injury?" asked the little girl.
"An accidental injury..." my eyes started to water when I said that. When I said it was an accidental jury the picture of me & Amber fighting for the gun came into my mind & then "BOOM!" I snapped back to reality.
"My mommy had an accidental injury also..." said the little girl. "My mommy "accidentally" drugged herself & now she's in a coma. Medicines can be very bad sometimes."
I was shocked by what the little girl said. I felt a mix of sadness & shockness at the same time.
"Oh..." It's all I managed to say out of my mouth.
"Yeah. Do you think Mommy will be okay?" The little girl asked.
I didn't know what to say. Will she understand the truth?
"I can understand the truth, I'm 8. I may be young but I know more than you think."
Did she just read my mind?
"Do you really" I asked her, forcing myself to ask her.
"Yes" she said seriously. "I'd rather be told the truth than to live my life with lies."
"Your a smart kid, kid" I smirked.
"Thank you unnie" the little girl smiled.
"But um their is a chance she might be in a coma for a while."
"I'm not surprised to be honest. I just wanted people to say something different about my moms overdose for once."
"For once?"
"Neh (yes) it's not the first time she's done this. I don't like my life. I want to change it. But it seems that for mommy's life to be better is to be in her own world, permanently."
"UNNIE! LET'S GO WE HAVE TO GO HOME!" I familiar male voice said.
When I looked up to see who it was it was Jiyong.
He has a little sister? & she has no idea what he did to me... Worse, she doesn't know who he actually is.
Jiyong gave me a warm smile pretending like nothing ever happened between me & him.
"Ah unnie, who's your new friend?" Jiyong asked.
"She actually didn't gave me her name" the little girl said.
I just stood there dumbstruck, once again.
"M-My name is Gabrielle Marie" I kindly smiled to the little girl & hand shaked Jiyong's hand. What the leaving fuck.
"Jiyong oppa, can we invite her to our house while mommy's away? I've been feeling sad lately cause mommy isn't here with me again" she talked like a regular 8 year old when she's with Jiyong but not with me... How come?
I looked to Jiyong cause I wanted to see what Jiyong would say.
"Of course my little unnie. I'll do anything to make you happy" he hugged his little sister & then tickled her & peck kissing her in every inch of her cheeks. She giggled has he did it.
I had to admit, that was really adorable.

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