"Nothing, nothing" I told him while looking down playing my fingers.

"My name is Harry I was your master's best friend since when we were kids I was here for a vacation"

I stood up and look at him without any words I went to the entrance And saw his luggage place on the side of the door I carried it but it was so heavy goodness how can he carry this? holding his bag he hold my hand and pick it up from me he lift the luggage just like it weighted nothing he carried the bag all the way upstares and stop right next to my room.

"this is your room?" he asked pointing at my door I nodded my head smiling and he proceed to the next room.

"I guess I'll be staying in this room Angeline" he open the door and I followed him inside.

"my name is angelina not angeline" I corrected him he open the balcony door and exhaled the fresh air I envy him because he has balcony on his room he can read and watch the moon every evening with a finest view.

"if you may excuse I have to cook for dinner" without waiting for his answer I went out to his room and go directly to the kitchen I have to prepare something special because we have visitor.

Cooking one of my specialty from our slavery class the "steak au poivre" I finish adding some spices to my recipe when I nearly jump in fear the door burst open and it close madly the loud noise echoed to the whole house I continue my doings because I know it was my dearest master who surely doesn't have a good day today I arrange the dining table placing two plates for both of them and a nice wine glass I put some ice cube to the small bucket and placing the wine on top of it and of course I put some blood to a tea pot with a small tea cups around it sounds crazy but of course they were vampires so I have to do crazy things especially my master have the first visitor ever but in fairness this arrival of visitor of him makes me distracted of over thinking what just happen last night erasing my thought I place the tea pot on the tray I will serve this later after dinner for them while they were having this chitchat.

"Athan!" I heard Harry calling my master's name excitedly.

"Goodness Harry you arrived!!!" he exclaimed.

"Goodness Athan is that the way you open your door?? And you forgot to pick me up to the airport isn't?"

"Obviously.... I have some meeting to attend and it's a rough day I' am sorry" Athan apologize firmly.

"it's okay I made it anyway" they both have this lightly conversation but most of the time murmuring I have to call them to eat dinner before the food gets colder than their skin I went to the lobby were they chuckles and laughter came from, awkwardly clearing my throat....

"excuse Masters the dinner is ready"
They both stare at me awkwardly but Harry is the first to stood and walk to my direction.

"Oh yes dinner I m so hungry" he walk pass to me my master just stood and I set a side while he was walking to pass me he took hold of my chin to look at him my face lifted but my eye was on his lips.

"You will eat with us" his cold glare sends me goose bumps I don't know why but I begin to fear him it's better to feel this way any way slave should fear their masters not love them, I trailed behind him and went to the cup board to pick up another plate for me I serve the dinner and harry looks happy on the menu.

"Wow so we don't have to spend money to eat on the expenssive restaurant because Angelina here can cook food like this" he pointed out the food and pour some red wine on his glass.

"Oh so you meet Angelina already she's my-" he stop on the middle sentence but I didn't look at him while talking to Harry.

"Slave" he continued as I was slicing my steak to bite size I have water sittig next to my plate,I don't drink wine any way ignoring every topic of the both hottie vampires on the table I'm surprise when harry called me.

The Slave That I am (Watty's 2017)Where stories live. Discover now