Chapter 13 (Pt. 1)

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David POV

I sit at the table in the dining room and watch the grandfather clock tick off minutes. Where is she?? Unless... But no, she wouldn't be with whatever his name is again. Would she? No, Violet wouldn't deal such a low blow. We've been together for a year, she wouldn't leave me that fast. After everything I've shown her and everything we've done... Would she?


Kidding!!! This isn't the real start. Just suffering from writer's block. Um. Um. Um-um-um-um-um-um-um-um-um... OH!! Right.


I sit at the table in the dining room and watch the grandfather clock tick off minutes. Where is she??

"Excuse me, miss?"

"Yes sir?"

"Could you go get Lady Violet?"

"Yes sir."

My fingers are now tapping on the oak table impatiently.. What is taking so damn LONG? Where is she? VIOLET!! Hurry! I'm hungry! And tired, but anyways. The maid comes back and leans down to whipser (uneccessarily) in my ear.

"She says she's on her way sir."

"Thank you."

Good. But why... Oh, well then, two can play this game. I reach out and take her by the wasit and she hesitates before kissing me.

"Oh, well isn't this cozy?"

"Ah, the mistress of the house." I release the maid and push her away from me. "Madam, please, be seated."

"Don't be sarcastic with me."

"I'm not."

"Really?" I don't believe that. Why were you being forward with the maid?

Oh.. Oops? Really? That's all you have? Then fine by me.

She sits at the table and rings the little bell next to her left hand. The double doors that look just like regular wall panels burst open and servers serve us our dinner with extreme flamboyance. Violet nods at them, dismissing them instantly after service. I start eating and notice her staring at me with one eyebrow delicately raised.


"You're supposed to let me start first."

Oh... Sorry.

"It's okay, I'm just a little upset with you. If you want an affair take it outside my home. I don't want any of this under my roof."

Ah ha.. Well... "What about you and.... Chris, is it?"

"That's different, he was not my worker when we met."

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