Chapter 44 - Return

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Pain is the only thing telling me I'm still alive.

Kayleigh's POV

My eyes widened as I saw who had walked into the court room. I glanced over at Jack, and saw he was just as surprised as I was.

I looked over at Timothy, who surprisingly had a smile on his face.

"Excuse me ma'm, but why are you interrupting my court?" The judge asked.

The lady smiled and walked confidently up to the judge.

"Detective Jennie Ryland, sir." She said, showing him her badge.

My eyes widened again and I looked at Timothy.

The judge nodded at Jennie. "Proceed." He said.

Jennie smiled. "Gladly." She said.

"Jack David has cheated on Kayleigh countless times. I have picture proof," she said, handing him a envelope, "And, I'm living proof. Most of the pictures that were taken were taken during the time Jack was dating me." She said.

   Jack was silent.

   "I also have this," Jennie handed two sheets of paper to the judge. "These were Jack's orders to the doctors to abort Kayleigh's baby without her permission." She said.

   The judge looked at the papers, the looked at me. "I'm calling a five minute recess for deliberation of this new evidence." He said.

   I walked out of the courtroom, Timothy by my side.

   By the time I made my way to Hettie, Jennie was standing beside her.

   Jennie smiled at Timothy and gave him a hug. "It's been awhile." She said.

   I watched them. "So, all the time you were at my house, dating Jack, you were really there to spy on us?" I asked.

   Jennie smiled. "Jack. I was there to spy on Jack. That's what detectives do." She said.

   "And you," I turned to Timothy, "Had your sister helping you the entire time?" I asked.

   "What can I say? We make a great team." He answered.

   Hettie hugged me as the bell rang, signaling court was back in session.

Timothy and I returned to our spot, and I anxiously looked at the judge.

"The court has reached a decision. Providing no more interruptions, we have reached a verdict." The judge said.

I took hold of Timothy's hand, squeezing it anxiously.

"I hearby declare, the marriage of Jack and Kayleigh IS overturned."

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