Chapter 4 - Rude Nurse

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My feelings?
Oh, don't worry about those, no one else does.

Kayleigh's POV

I stepped into the hospital waiting room, and sat down in a lonely corner.

This was my second doctors appointment, and today marked the two month along mark for me.

"Kayleigh David?" A nurse called.

I smiled and stood up. She walked over to me. I smiled again and followed her into a room.

"So, you haven't been drinking or smoking have you?" The nurse asked me, looking at her clipboard.

"Absolutely not." I answered.

The nurse smiled. "Great! And is your home smoke free?" She asked.

"Yes." I said, my hand on my stomach.

"And... How old are you Kayleigh?" She asked.

"I'm eighteen." I answered.

The nurse frowned at me, but made a note on her clipboard. "Children these days... no respect for marriage... foolish decisions." She mumbled under her breath.

I took a deep breath. "Actually Miss, I am married." I said quietly.

She looked shocked. "But you just said you were eighteen! Oh, I see. You and the baby's father decided to get married after you found out you were pregnant, so in love and all." She said.

It was my turn to look shocked. "Actually, I've been married for a year now. And there was absolutely no love involved. It was an arranged marriage." I said sternly.

The nurse laughed. "Excuses." She said. "Well, your doctor should be in shortly." She said, then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

  I looked at the door, feelings overwhelming me. This, this is exactly why I don't want anyone at school to know I'm pregnant... Or married.


That nurse though...

Unloved, Married and Pregnant... at 18???Where stories live. Discover now