I quietly got out of my car and made my way to the side of the house. My mom knew I went to parties and she didn't like it, so she told me that if I decided to go I had to make sure she didn't know. So whenever I came back I would climb up the ladder I kept against the side of the house by my window, and sneak in that way.

I just got into my room when I heard a blood curdling scream.

I looked outside to see where it was coming from and quickly noticed the sound escaping Sophia's open widow.

What the hell?

After about five minuets of silence I heard shuffling in her room, and suddenly she started to talk.

"Antonio, I know you aren't alive or anything. Well you are, but you're not human. Anyway, I need someone to talk to and you're my only option." She started, in a whisper, but if a listened hard enough I could make out what she said.

"I had another nightmare, it started out good, first it was clips of all my happy times with him, but when there was no more happy moments left the bad memories started. The first one was of him yelling at me for the first time, then hitting me for the first time." She explained, her voice cracking several times.

Behind her closed blinds I knew she was crying, even though I couldn't see.

I heard her take a deep breath to compose herself, then continue, "The memories just kept playing, the small beatings I would get whenever I somehow messed up, to the big beatings that left me broken. And finally the cuts he would make. He would cut places like the bottom of my feet and upper back. Places that no one would see."

I felt bad for her, having nightmares like that would be terrifying.

"I wish that I could just erase my memory so I wouldn't have to remember him and everything he did to me. If my memory was erased then I wouldn't have nightmares anymore. I could be normal again.

"But you know what I want most of all? I want for my nightmares to just be nightmares instead of memories. I'm tired of reliving those horrible things over and over every night." She sobbed.

After that I heard some shuffling and then everything went silent.

What the hell did I just listen to?

That nightmare she told Antonio about, it was real? It actually happened to her?

How could someone ever do that to a person, let alone a person as wonderful as Sophia?

Whoever she was talking about was a sick bastard. If I ever found out who he was I'd hit him until he couldn't even remember his own name.

At that moment, remembering how scared and broken she sounded, I made it my mission to help her forget. To be the person she could talk to about her past. I wanted to be the one that was there for her and comforted her when the nightmares happened.

For once, instead of trying to be her enemy, I wanted to be her friend.

I wanted to be Sophia Mackenzie's friend.

And with that thought in mind, I closed my window and went to sleep.

That night I dreamt of a dark room filled with a familiar blood curdling scream, and the sound of smacks, punches and kicks.

- - - - - -

The blaring sound of my alarm startled me awake and I groaned in annoyance. Was it morning already? I felt like I hadn't slept for even a minute.

I guess that's what I got for coming home at nearly three in the morning.

Whoever threw that party deserved a good punch in the face. What moron had a party on a Monday?

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