"Yep," Laura said no more,  concentrating as she was on her given job. Ricky leant over and grabbed a chip, but after having his hand slapped, he went away grinning to find someone else to talk to.

Eventually, Laura, Whitey's wife Karen and Sarah brought the starters to the table.  They had waited as long as they could for Vijay and his wife,  but Simon had received a phone call to say their daughter was ill and they'd rather not leave her with the babysitter.

Everyone took a seat around the table,  Laura ending up at the opposite end, but on the same side as Ricky. Before they began, Sarah wanted to make an announcement.

"Well I'd like to thank you all for coming,  particularly since half of you would probably rather be in at home after being away for two weeks."  There was a round of coughs and disagreement. "Yeah,  whatever.  Thank you for my gifts and well, enjoy the food."  Her guests gave her a round of applause and a few whoops for good measure, before they tucked in to their meals.

The conversation flowed,  stories of their latest tour were shared. Then a  particular one about Ricky and some women caught Laura's interest.

"Oh don't, she was fucking frightening!" Ricky protested.

"She was when she near enough had you in a headlock!" Whitey could hardly speak for laughing. Simon and Peanut too were nearly besides themselves. Not being able to share the joke,  the woman merely smiled.

"Guess you had to be there," Karen muttered to noone in particular. The laughter subsided, to the sound of Whitey tutting.

"Here's the humour police!" He'd leant forward,  looking down the table as he made his remark. The awkwardness was felt in the room.

"I'll just go and see if the main course is ready," Sarah tried to change the subject but the atmosphere had already changed.

"I'll give you a hand,"  Laura got up to help,  catching Ricky's eye, her glance saying 'I'll hear that story later'. From the other side of the kitchen,  the quarrel could still be heard,  though Simon,  Ricky and Peanut attempted to talk over it. Just as Sarah picked up the chilli to take it to the table, she saw Whitey push his chair back and disappear out in to the garden. She looked across at Laura who rolled her eyes. As Laura sat down,  Karen excused herself and followed him out, leaving empty seats between her and Ricky.  He looked across at her, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Alright?" Through a simple word, he tried to reconnect with Laura. She smiled awkwardly,  not really sure what was going on. Still feeling strained from the atmosphere,  they began to eat their meal,  momentarily stopping as raised voices were heard outside.

"It was like this when they were away Simon told me," Sarah said,  spooning more chilli on to Simon's plate.

"Was it?" Laura didn't know,  Ricky hadn't told her anything.  She glanced across at him. Something else to talk about.

"Apparently they were arguing on the phone most nights!" Sarah continued.

"Sarah!" Simon was shocked by her need to gossip.

"What? It's what you said."  She smiled at Laura. "It's times like this I'm glad we're not married with kids!" Laura could feel Ricky's eyes on her, but choosing not to look at him, she put her head down and continued to eat. Sarah changed the subject. "Simon tells me you're in talks for another panel show Ricky. That must be exciting." At hearing this revelation,  Laura put down her knife and fork and turned her body towards Ricky,  eager to hear his response to yet another fact she knew absolutely nothing about. An evening of revelations!

Laura kicked her shoes off in the hallway and walked into the lounge,  flopping on the sofa. She heard Ricky lock the front door and put the keys in the bowl on the table. Putting his head around the door,  he asked Laura is she wanted a drink.

You Never Said - Part 3 To The Producer (A Ricky Wilson Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now