Chapter 11

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*Seth's POV*
We left Amelia's house and I couldn't help but think that I've fallen for her. I will never forget our kiss this morning. It was amazing. Shes amazing.

Xavier and I walk towards my truck and leave the drive way. I drop Xavier at his house and head home. Well more like hell. I hate being in my house but I have no choice all my clothes and stuff are there. I have no where else to go so I'm stuck. I drive home which is not far from xavier's.

I make it home and jump out of the car. I unlock the door and slowly enter not wanting to wake anybody up. By anybody I mean my step father. I tiptoe in and start walking up the stairs. I feel someone grab me by the shoulder and fling me back against the wall. I wince in pain at the impact and struggle to brake free. I look up and see my step dad filled with anger. I look back him with courage and not showing fear.

"WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT!?" he says with rage. I stare back at him with anger filled in my eyes. I reply back with an attitude that I know will piss him off. "WHY DO YOU CARE?? I CAN COME AND GO AS I PLEASE YOUR NOT MY FATHER!" I say back at him. He swings his fist towards my face but I manage to dodge it and knee him in the stomach. He groans in pain but recovers quickly. He jumps on me causing me to fall on the ground. I punches me in the face a few times but I dodge most of them. I flip him over and now I'm on top. I start throwing punches at him none stop. Then I hear my mother pleading to me "Stop! Seth stop!" she says trying to pull me off but I ignore her and keep punching the bastard.

She manages to pull me off my step father and holds me back. "WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING HIM?! HIS DONE NOTHING BUT RUIN US! ME!! ITS BECAUSE OF HIM YOUR CRYING YOURSELF TO SLEEP EVERY NIGHT! WHYZ DON'T YOU LEAVE HIM!" I say yelling in face and shaking her by her shoulders. She looks down in tears and doesn't say anything. "Your pathetic!" I snap at her and run up stairs.

I run into my room and slam the door. Ugh!!! Why does she stay with him?! I don't get it?! His hurt both of us. His ruined my life. My childhood was destroyed because of him.

I walk into the bathroom and jump into the shower. I watch as blood goes now the drain. I sigh and tears start running down my face. I slam my hand against the wall which causes it to get puncher a hole. I look at my hand and it looks broken. Oh great.

I jump out of the shower and get dressed in a white wife beater and a black hoodie. I grab my keys and run down stares. Thankfully my mom and step dad aren't down here. I open the front door and walk to my car. I jump in the car wince in pain when I accidentally hit my hand against the stirring wheel. I drive to the hospital to get my hand fixed.

I make it to the hospital and glance in the mirrior. I flinch at the sight of my face. I have a bruise on my eye and my lip is busted. Turn away from the mirrior and jump out of the car. I walk inside and see my doctor whose name is David. Yeah I come here often because of my step father. "Hey David." I say getting his attention. He turns to me and is shocked by my appearance. "Oh my god seth. Not again." he says leading the way to the patient room. I follow him inside and enter. I sit on the patient table.

"Let me see what we got here." he says looking at me. He touches my hand and I wince in pain. "Your hands broken." I roll my eyes and say "thanks captian obvious. Can you hurry up and fix it so I can leave?" he chuckles and nods his head. He fixes my hand and puts a white cast on my hand. I jump off the table and say "Thanks man." he turns to me and says "I like seeing you kid but I don't like seeing you here. Try to stay out of trouble." I nod and exit the room.

I jump in my car and start driving one handed. Its difficult because I'm right handed but I manage. I decide not to drive home but to Xavier's house.

I park in front of his house and hopped out of the car. I walked up to his door and knocked. He opened the door and let me in without any questions. He understands me and what I go through. I'm gratefully that he doesn't ask questions.

We go upstairs and I walk into his closet. I usually keep a luggage full of clothes in his house for times like these. I change and then remember I have coke in my pocket. I pull it out and pour it out on my hand and snort it. I wanted to feel good and not broken. This was the only way I knew how to get rid of the pain. It felt so good like I was on top of the world. I snorted some more then laid on the bed until I passed out.

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