Chapter 5

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Ring ring ring God I hate that sound. I guess it makes sense that they chose that ring it should does awake people up. Sometimes I wonder if my education is really important and why not quit so I sleep but then again if I did that I wouldn't get a job. With that thought, I groan inside my pillow knowing that I have to get up I force my tired body out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I jump into the shower and let the hot sensation wake up my tired body. I stay in there for about twenty minutes and then hop out.

I wrap myself into a towel and exit my bathroom. I walk into my closet and try to decide what to wear. I scan my closet and my eyes land on my favorite grey New york sweat shirt. I grab that and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. I throw that on and put on my mint green converse. I walk back into the bathroom and blow dry my hair straight. I put on my black beanie and some foundation and mascara. I'm not much of a make up person. I prefer a natural look not that fake barbie look.

I exit the bathroom and put my favorite book in my floral back pack. I grab my iphone, wallet, and back pack. I walk down stairs and see my parents in the kitchen. My mom is making her famous bacon and eggs. My dad is sipping his coffee while reading the daily paper. "Good morning you guys." I say as I give my dad a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning sweetheart, ready for your first day of school?" My dad asks lifting his eyes from the paper and looking at me.

I reply with a groan "ugh not really but it is what it is." I shrug my shoulders. He chuckles at me and goes back to his paper.

"Here amelia your lunch money for today." my mom says handing me twenty bucks. "Oh and heres your breakfast." she hands me a plate. I say thank you and walk to the dining table. Aaron finally comes down stairs and sits next to me. He grabs my food and starts eating it. "Whaat aaron!! I was eating that!" I say whining. He just smiled at me and shrugged. I mumble a few colorful words and get a look from my mom. I put my hands up in surrender and get up from the table.

"Aaron are you ready?? Were going to be late!! And quite frankly the sooner I get there the faster I can leave. Now get your lazy butt off that chair and get in the car!" I say frustrated. He always does this. He takes his sweet little old time and acts like he has all day. When in reality he has five minutes! "Okay okay take a chill pill sis jeez!" he says annoyed. Oh his annoyed? His not the one who has to drag his lazy butt just to get somewhere on time. "Let's just go please!" I say grabbing the keys and walking towards the door.

We finally get in the car and leave. Aaron's driving so we might get there late ugh! I swear he drives slow just to tick me off. We finally get to Berkeley High and park the car. I hop out of the car with my bag on my shoulder and close the door. Aaron does the same and we walk together and enter hell. We walk up to the door and see people staring at us and talking. They act like they've never seen a new girl before. Like do you live in a cave? We make it to the door and with sweaty palms I pull the door open. Aaron walks in after me and we make our way to the front desk.

Were greeted by black haired slender lady who looks about fourty. "Hello you guys must be Aaron and Amelia Dawson." she says with a smile. Confused by how she knows our names I brush it off and ask "Can we have our schedules please?" I ask politely and with a smile. "Oh yes dear here you go." she says while handing us our schedules. "Thank you!" I say about to leave but she calls us out again "oh wait I almost forgot! Heres your locker number and code to open it." she hands us our stuff for the locker. We say thank you and walk away.

I start searching for my locker and can't find it. I look down at the number again and then look at the lockers. Ugh which one is it! I think to myself. As I'm walking I look at my number and then run into a hard body. I stumble to the floor and my pack back falls on top of me. I grunt at the pressure of the heavey books hiting my stomach. "Oww what the heck? Watch where your..." I say finally looking up and see a beauitful pair of green eyes staring down at me. He has short dirty blonde hair and is wearing a wife beater shirt with a black leather jacket and dark jeans. Can I say wow! He is good looking.

He snaps me out of my daze and says "watch where your going next time!!" he yells in my face. I feel annoyance inside by his words and stand up. "Jeez for a pretty face you have a shitty attitude." I say not embarrassed by calling his face pretty. I grab my back pack and say before walking away "what a waste." I leave him shocked and annoyed. And I hear his friend laughing so hard. "Haha dude she told you!" his friend says. "Shut up!" the guy that ran into me shoves him and storms off.

I chuckle to myself and finally find my locker. I put my books inside and only grab what I need. I put what I need in my back pack and walk to my first class which is english.

I enter the class room and see that every one is here except the teacher. I scan the room and notice a sit next to a girl with long brown hair and blue eyes. She seems nice I think to myself and walk towards the empty seat. I sit down and hope that I don't run into that guy again. He might be gorgeous but his annoying.

The Bad Boy's book worm.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora