Chapter 7

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The sun was shining right in my face when I lifted my thick lashes. I slowly looked around and relized I was lying in the back of Stiles jeep. So Stiles didn't drive me home? I felt cold so looked down my body and relized I was wearing Stiles shirt. And then I saw Stiles, himself, lying next to me, asleep. Did we...? Gosh... I lifted up the shirt expecting to see my naked body, but there was my shirt underneath it. A sighn of releaf escaped my lips. As much as I wish to be with Stiles I didn't want to be a slut. He shifted and wrapped one of his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I wanted to stay like this for hours, but I knew I would only be a little toy, Stiles would play with until he gets back together with the dessirable toy. As much as I wanted to be with Stiles like this, I did not want to drown in my own tears...again...

"Uhm, Stiles?"

I asked shyly.


I waited for him to realize that I'm not Lydia and let me go from his grip. But he didn't.

"What it is, Emma?"

He asked in sleepy voice. Wait, so he knew that I wasn't Lydia?

"You mind explaining why are we in the back of your jeep, cuddling? And why am I wearing your shirt? Did we...? Cause I personally don't remember a thing"

He shifted awkwardly taking off his hand from my waist, releasing me.

"I uhm... Don't think we did that..."

He said slowly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Or anything else"

He quickly added. I looked away so our gazes won't meet. 'Well this is awkward' I thought to myself.

"Last night I was super drunk, so drunk that I didn't think I could drive you home, plus it was kind of late and cold so I just put you in the back of my jeep while you were sleeping. You were like really cold when I... Umh... Anyways, you were freezing so I putted my shirt on you. You were still ice cold so I lyed down next to you to warm you"

I turned to face him. That moment I finally remembered that he was a nice guy, not a dork. He would never do something like use the chance of me being drunk to cheat on his girlfriend to make her jealous, right?

"Uhm, thanks, though"

I mumbled.

"I should take you home now"

He slowly said sitting up. Oh no. Not home. Not where Lydia is.

"No, please don't take me home. I can't go home"

I quickly said as he reached for the door handle. I grabbed his arm, not letting him get out. He turned face to face with me. All I knew was that he had the word 'confusion' written all over his face.

"Why can't I take you to your own house?"

He asked rising an eyebrow.

"Because Lydia will start asking questions like where have I been and I don't want to see her right now"

"Neither do I. So where can I take you?"

"I kind of need to return my jeep to the rent place and since it has a flat tire, I'll need your help"

After an awkward ride while dragging my jeep to the rent, we finally arrived. I jumped out of Stiles jeep and ran inside the rent office. Liam was standing at the front desk. I almost forgot he worked here.


He looked surprised. I guess he just wasn't expecting me.

"You okay?"

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