Chapter 6

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As I walked out I saw my jeep. Then I remembered the reason I rented it. To save Lydia. And what am I doing now? Fighting with her? What the hell is wrong with me? I didn't even managed to save her. If it wasn't Lexi who prepared for this, who had to kill, risk her own life, Lydia and the others would be dead by now. Lydia was right, I'm weak and pathetic, I can't protect myself. I curled up into a ball and just lied there on the porch of the warehouse. It was raining and cold, I was all wet, but had nowhere to go so I just lied there. I guess I lost the sense of time because when I lifted my head up from my feet, it was already dark.

I walked up to my jeep but something was wrong. One side of the car was lower than the other one. As soon as I got closer, I noticed I had a flat tire.

"Fuck it!"

I cursed out loud. I hit the car with my fist. It hurt, but I didn't. I slid down the jeep and sat down on the cold, wet ground. I knew my pants are gonna get so muddy, but I didn't care anymore. I couldn't hold it back anymore. Tears started flowing down my face and blended with the raindrops.

"You're ok there?"

I jumped in shock from a male voice coming from the direction of the warehouse. I knew the voice so well. I opened my eyes and saw the guy I was in love since the third grade. I was still shocked that he was here, asking about me. I grinned at him.

"Do I look ok?"

He grinned at me as well. Maybe he broke up with Lydia and now he's trying to figure out how to live without her.

"I won't lie..."

He started, but cut him off.

"Good, because I heard enough of lies. I'm sick of people lying to me"

I turned away from him, but he walked over to me and sat down next to me. We sat there just enjoying the rain. We were both wet from the top to the bottom.

"Hey, don't be so harsh on your sister. She was just protecting you from this supernatural shit..."

Here you go, he is only here for Lydia. I bet she asked him to talk to me and make her look like a hero.

"So, Stiles, you're on her side now?! It's true, I'm weak so Lydia needs to protect me right?! That's what you think?!"

"No, that's not what I mean. Lydia really cares about you. She worries about you. She only wishes you the best"

"You think so?!! You really think about her that way?!! You really think she wishes me the best?!! Well then you don't even know Lydia! She only cares about herself and sometimes about what other people think! You wanna know what she did to me?!! Even if she didn't mean to, she hurt me too many times I could still think she wishes me the best!"

"What happened between you so that bad? You looked ok to me before"

"You really wanna know?!!"

"Yes, yes I do, because I care about y... just tell me"

I looked at him with a confused gaze. I wonder if he was about to say what I think he was. No, there's NO way he cares about me. He's with Lydia. My confused gaze turned into a sad look which was plastered on my face as I looked down and started explaining.

"Well she would always leave me in her shadows, it was ok for me at first, because I wasn't really a very social person comparing to Lydia. But when she started teaching me lessons how not to act, how to behave that I wouldn't embarrass her in front of everyone. My own sister was embarrassed of me, do you even imagine that?! I was feeling like a shit, I was feeling too bad for her, I started feeling disgust of myself... Guys only wanted to date me because I was less hot version of Lydia. If it's not enough, she didn't let me date the guy I was in love for such a long time... and I still am in love with him"

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