Chapter 2

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Mission: to save my sisters' ass from the crap she's into.

Moves: Spy on her until we find out what's the crap she's into.

Our plan was perfect safe from one thing – I don't know how to spy on her that she wouldn't find out. How to track her when I don't have a car... Well my driving test is going to be tomorrow, but even if I'll pass (if!!!) I still wouldn't have a car. Wait a minute... I can rent a car!!!

Of course the plan with the car rent wasn't perfect, because I would spent a lot of money. But on the bright side they would never guess who's the one driving the car which is stalking them. It's for my big sister, I think I can spent some money...

[Later that day]

"200$ a day for an old ford!!?"

"Calm down Miss Martin"

The car rent guy looked even too calm so I got angrier.

"Calm down!!? You are telling me to calm down!!? I'm going to spent all of my money on this old car rent and he is telling me to calm down!"

"Emma calm down this car rent can't be the only one around, maybe we can find something cheaper..."

"Uhhh... It better be another car rent around or I'll..."

Lexi cut me of saying goodbye to the rent manager and dragged me by my collar through the door.

"You know what!!? Bad bye to you!"

I was so angry at the rent guy and his stupid rent prices. Lexi was on her phone searching for another car rent nearby. What if there is no car rent in this stupid small town? Then we will have to follow them on foot and if they go by car we'll never be able to find them. And maybe they will get hurt or worse killed... How would I live without Lydia and with guilt and thoughts that I was able to safe her, but didn't do anything because I didn't want to spent money...

"Found one!"

Lexi brought me back from my sad little mind.

"Umm... so, so where is it?"

"It's kind of far from here. It's in the Carols' street, which is right next to Beacon Hills street, which is..."

She couldn't end the sentence, so I ended it:

"...the main Beacon Hills entry street"

"Exactly. It's getting late, we're going tomorrow. Oh, and by the way, don't forget that you still don't have your driving license. The exam is tomorrow so you need to get good night sleep or they'll get suspicious. Let's go home"

I wanted to disagree, but Lexi was Lexi, her arguments were always pretty good.

The first thing I heard when I woke up, was birds chirping outside. I opened my eyes and saw that the room was very bright. For a couple minutes I just lied in my bed. But then I thought "birds are chirping, room is bright... I'm late for my exam!" I quickly looked at clock, hoping that I got up in time, but sadly I was late. It was really bad because I desperately needed to pass the driving exam for Lydia and all that saving mission. I rushed out of my comfy bed, went straight to shower. Then suddenly I heard my phone ringing. I smiled as soon as I picked up. It was Lexi calling. She went straight to the question I could not answer.

"Hi, so... did you pass?"

"I uhmmm... I didn't pass... I mean, not yet"

"What do you mean not yet? Emma, what the hell is going on??! Where are you?"

"I, I overslept... Listen can you help me?"

"Ok, I will organize someone to pick you up"

"Thanks, Lexi, you're the best!"

"Of course I am. What would do without me?"

"I would probably miss my driving test"

"You see? Now your life depends on me! Isn't it funny?"

"No it's not! It's really sad actually. Now stop talking and get someone to give me a lift"

"Ok, ok, I will take care of it. Don't worry"

"I'm not worried. I'm just slightly terrified"

"Emma, I know what are you capable at, and trust me, you can handle this"

"Thanks, Lexi, but now I really need to get ready and you need to find me a driver"

"Ok bye"

"Bye bye"

I hang up, and ran into the bathroom. I really needed to get ready quickly. I peeked on myself in the mirror. A sixteen year old was looking at me right in the eye. Her brown locks were messy, falling on her pale face. Eyes were beautiful forest green, but they were wide because of her fright. I turned my eyes away from that frightened girl and started my daily 'get ready' routine.

After fifteen minutes I was all ready, eating my breakfast and waiting for someone to pick me up. Then suddenly I heard my door bell. I quickly grabbed my stuff and rushed through the hallway to open the door. I was so surprised to see a pair of familiar hazelnut eyes.

"Uhmm... Stiles? What are you doing here?"

"I came here to save you from missing the driving exam. You know, Lexi asked me to. Didn't she tell you?"

"No, I mean yes she told me that someone is going to pick me up, but she didn't tell me that it's going to be you..."
"Are you ok with me and Liam taking you to the driving school?"

"Liam's here? What's he doing here? Is he like some kind of escort?"

"No, don't tell me that you didn't know that he's taking the exam too"

"But then he's late too..."

"...and that's why we need to go now"

I stared at his beautiful eyes and felt like I could stay like that for hours. Just watching him... loving him... from distance...

"Emma, Emma!"

Stiles was trying really hard to bring me back to the reality. And I had to give up on trying to live in my imagination.

"Yeah, yes, I'm coming"

I started walking towards the blue jeep. Liam was already sitting there.

"Hi, you're Emma, right?"

"Yeah, I sit behind you in history"

"Oh, you're the girl which always gets A in every test?"

"Well, not in every each of them"

He just smiled at me. His smile made me feel some sparkles, but it felt nothing comparing to Stiles shiny magic feeling when he smiles.

We were almost at the driving school, when Liam asked:

"Are you nervous?"

"Oh, I've never been more nervous than now. How are you?"

"I'm cool, for now"

"Don't worry, you can always re-do it"

"I just hope I won't have to"

"Me too"

The truth is – I can't fail. I need driving license, I need a car. And I need it now. The worst part is that my parents are rich, but I can't ask them to buy me a car because then Lydia would find out who is trying to track their every step. And if she finds out, it's not gonna end good.

"Good luck to you two"

Stiles smiled at us wishing us luck and walked away. I felt butterflies in my stomach and it felt amazing. It felt like I'm back in my sparkling imagination land. But how can  I be back, if I never left?

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