Chapter Nine

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In an instant I had turned around to run, not needing the burning sear of Madam Kaymari's amulet to tell me that.

My legs flew across the earth, the ground shaking as many lethal bodies hit at once. I heard a roar pierce the air as sounds of fighting began, sickening cracks and thuds making my stomach turn. I had only gotten a few feet when I was snatched back, the hands of someone powerful grabbing me. I looked back to meet the face of an unrecognizable man with long hair and a crazed look. The sear of the necklace confirmed my impending danger as I tried desperately to free myself. In an instant I was in the air, thrust on the ground. It took me a second to realize Marcus had knocked the bloodthirsty man off of me.

He spared me a single look which radiated lethal anger, "Run."  

I didn't need to hear it twice. I felt trembles rock the earth below me as I got to my knees. Marcus had already begun fighting my long haired attacker. As I got to my feet I turned around only once more to see Lucian battling maniacally with Demetrius. Their moves were fast and powerful, their bodies no more than a fatal blur, all the while the ignorant crowd cheering and screaming with encouragement. It was unlike anything I had ever witnessed.

As the sounds of abnormal strength continued, equivalent to the sounds of bricks being canon bolted against each other, I sprinted to the parking lot as fast as I could. My heart rate escalating as I barely got in my pocket to retrieve my keys, my hands shaking uncontrollably. When I finally managed to get them out, all the while my feet never stilling on the concrete, I spotted my car.

I felt guilty for leaving Beth, but right then I knew that she, in her state of daze, was far safer than me. I revved the engine, reversed, and took off, not even daring to acknowledge my rearview mirror. The sky was completely dark now, my headlights leading the way as I sped home. I felt sick, shock coursing through me. Black Forest was a very dark pit, and I no longer wanted anything to do with it. That whole thing was the epitome of not blending in. For some reason I had a freshly painted target on my back, and the sad part was that I had no clue who or what was aiming.

I arrived home in shambles, pausing on the front porch to regain my composure. As I took deep breaths, the dire reality of the evening sunk in. I couldn't utter a single word of what I had witnessed to a soul. Not the police, not to a psychiatrist (which I definitely was in need of), not my grandmother, not even Evie. Lucian Vernicillo's words continued to ring in my ears. I would be under his close watch... For all I knew, he could have met his end tonight. I felt my heart pang at the thought but wrote it off as aftershock. Then who would be 'watching' me? I shuddered; one thing was for sure, if I had to choose, I'd take Lucian's surveillance over the one named Demetrius' any day. I ran a hand through my long locks, thinking of the look on that creature's face when he had locked eyes on me. His reaction, 'doth my nose deceive me'...then there had been Lucian's reaction, that deadly snarl...what had it meant? Better yet, what the hell were those things? Were they really...could they really be...

Before I could dwell on my troubles any further the door opened.

My grandmother stood in the doorway with a quizzical expression on her angelic face, "You alright dear? I've been watching you pace back and forth for the past few minutes. I hope you had a good time at that fair?"

I plastered a smile on my face, one that felt unnatural, and kissed her forehead, "Yea, I had a great time, I was just thinking about stuff."

She nodded understandingly, "And Beth?"

Beth... how was she and all her closest friends fairing? What would they even say about the evening? Surely they would have interesting accounts of tonight's festivities...

I bit my lip, "Um, she's getting a ride from some friends. I guess she wanted to stay longer. I was pretty tired."

She nodded as she tightened her purple sweater around her torso, "I suppose you need a day or two to get used to everything. Too much excitement is the least you need dear."

Lucian's MarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora