Chapter Twelve

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As the doors opened I immediately felt a wave of deep fear wash over me.

"Stay right here Lilly, and whatever you do, do not leave this spot."

I turned to face her but before I could properly protest her leaving me alone, Anastasia swayed through the doors, her mass of long perfect curls bouncing perfectly along with her rhythmic steps until I could no longer see her.

Though every part of me dripped in fear, I remained where I was. I reached for the amulet across my chest which felt warm in my hand. Through the doors I could see two long staircases winding in opposite directions, and a grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Further down and to the right I could see what was perhaps the grand hall and though I tried not to look it was too late, my eyes widened in fear as my pupils soaked what appeared to be a large group of figures. They were short, tall, young (if only in appearance), and every one hauntingly beautiful, like art only to be appreciated from a distance... a great distance. The way one would perhaps appreciate a cluster of rich poison berries bringing deep color to the earth around it. One by one I could feel their eyes shifting towards my position before the open doors.

I felt every hair on my body rise. Before I could decide to run Anastasia was back, breaking my view of the welcome that awaited me. Marcus was now by her side. Though his eyes were less than inviting, I couldn't help but feel a little safer as the memory of his golden head ripping that crazed creature off of me at the fair flashed through my mind. He nodded, to which I returned the sentiment.

"Stay close," he sounded calm but turned to Anastasia and said something I couldn't understand. She replied in the same manner and then turned to me and managed to smile before beckoning me to follow them.

Not wanting to lose them I followed but suddenly felt ill. As I passed the threshold a deep wave of fear washed over me. I knew with certainty that every step I took only brought me closer to death. But yet here I was. My gut dropped as I thought of the situation, I felt so alone.

As we made our way towards the hall, I could see them all awaiting us. Each propelling their own image of strength and mystery. Women and men, fit bodies, serious faces, exotic looks, richly colored eyes, cloaks and expensive dressings, alert stances. The descriptions raced through my mind as we passed. Long thick hair, braids, short hair, all shining as if the sun were upon their heads. Prominent noses, full lips, straight teeth, sharp teeth, tan skin, pale skin, tattoos, scars. Each deadly, each breathtakingly exquisite in their own way. If I weren't so afraid that at any moment I would become their meal, I may have been able to appreciate their mystical grandeur far better and at leisure.

They kept their distance but not their gaze, eyes after cold pair of eyes bore into every inch of me. Some hostile, some hungry, some curious, and some with hatred. My stomach churned.

"Forgive us Lilly Stone," Anastasia's voice was soft, "For you see, it is not everyday that a human enters Bellavicio Manor."

I nodded as if to say 'that's ok' (a foolish gesture I realized) and averted my gaze to the gleaming marble floor beneath me. I kept my head down as I made my way through, the pressure of their gazes never once leaving my skin. I kept the amulet in my hand, clutching it tightly even though the temperature remained at an uncomfortable level of warmth.

I was no more welcomed amongst these creatures than I was dinner. I would be dead by morning.

Just as I began to pray that my grandmother would forever remain in the Anastasia
-induced-hypnosis keeping her none-the-wiser about my dire state, I suddenly felt the gazes peel off of me one by one, until I could not but help to look up curiously.

As if on cue, all of their eyes had shifted to a fixture a few feet to the right of me.

"Lucian," Anastasia bowed her head in respect, the others following.

He was there. Just like that my heart began to race frantically, and before I could help it I inhaled sharply, feeling my skin warm my cheeks to what I knew was a deep red.

I realized quickly that that was not good. The entire air seemed to change suddenly. Anastasia's nostrils flared as she glanced back at my position beside her, eyes narrowing at my red face in concern.

The sounds of sickening murmur, what sounded like a cross between a purr and a growl, began to make its way across the room. The blood which had rushed to my face having quite obviously triggering a change reaction of innate predatory responses.

Oh no.

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