Chris leant on both arms on the table, "Well it's obvious isn't it? He still wants to marry you." He cocked his head to one side.

" I guessed that, but not to have mentioned it since Christmas and then to react like that towards me. It's unfair. He knows how I feel about marriage." As she stopped, Chris noticed her eyes glassing over.

"Hey, come on now." His hand was once again on hers. "Has something happened whilst he's been away? Someone he knows got engaged?"

"Not that he's told me! I just don't get it Chris. I was so looking forward to him being home. To go to B&Q together, to choose paint and wallpaper. But he's just..." She sighed. "Anyway," her eyes were back on the menu. "Just get me a coffee and the biggest slice of cheesecake they do."

Chris went to order, placing his hand on her shoulder as he went.

When he returned, Laura was studying her phone. "Has he texted?" he asked.

"No, the bastard!" she let her phone drop.

"Now you don't mean that." Chris sat down once again. "He's the man you love!" Laura noticed a sarcasm to Chris' voice but chose to say nothing. She looked around at the cafe filling with Saturday morning shoppers. Then back to Chris.

"What are we doing here? You letting your health kick slip?" Chris was usually so careful about what he ate.

"I was on the beer last night, so I thought what the hell. I'll be back on it by Monday." He paused, "Good job I have let it slip with you feeling like you do."

Laura turned as the waitress brought her coffee, "I could do with a stiff drink to be honest." She thanked the woman and absentmindedly began to stir brown sugar into her drink.

"Let's go out tonight and get hammered! When was the last time you had a good drink?" Chris' eyes sparkled at the thought. Laura contemplated his question.

"The night before Ricky went on tour actually, christening our new home." As she answered, Chris regretted asking the question.

"Before that?" He encouraged her.

"New Year probably, but look I can't. We're meant to be going over to Simon's for a meal, it's Sarah's birthday. Thanks for the offer though. And if Ricky doesn't turn up I might still take you up on it."

"Your loss!" he grinned cheekily. "Another time."

"I'll hold you to that."

They spent over an hour talking, putting the world to rights, not mentioning Ricky again. That was until her phone started ringing. Taking it from her coat pocket she saw his name on the screen.

"It's Ricky," she told Chris, looking between him and the phone.

"Well maybe answer it then," he suggested finishing off his second coffee.

Laura slid her finger across the screen and put the phone to her ear. "Hello," the nerves in her voice were apparent.

"Hi, where are you?" Laura could hear traffic noise. He was out somewhere.

"Have you not read my message?" she wasn't short with him just inquisitive.

"No, I've not been home." Laura closed her eyes, listening to his voice. A mixture of annoyance and love had made her feel like she needed to be with him. She wanted him to explain his outburst, to say what was on his mind, but also to hold him.

"I'm with Chris. He text just after you... We're in a cafe if you want to join us." He didn't reply at first.

"No, I'll just go home. I'll see you there later." Laura sensed he wanted to get off the phone, but she wasn't ready to let him go.

You Never Said - Part 3 To The Producer (A Ricky Wilson Fan-fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin