Aiden and Sophia's first day home

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(I couldn't think of a title so yea)

You sit in the back in between the twins and Julian drives.  He looks scared but happy too.  You know that the house is ready for the twins.  The nursery and everything is perfect.  Julian was such an amazing fiancée the whole pregnancy.  And you can't wait to get home.  Julian turns down Marcus street and parks in your driveway.  He gets Sophia out and opens the other car door for you.  You can tell that he wanted a girl.  You take Aiden and walk to the house.  Sophia was quiet and looking over at some toys chained to the tip of the handle.  Aiden was sleeping.  You take then to the nursery and get everything settled in.  You take Aiden out a give him a bottle.  Julian picks up Sophia and walks around tell house.  You tell Julian that he needs to feed Sophia.   

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