so BABY pull me closer

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You have him sit down on the bed. You sit next to him.  He puts his hand on your inner thigh and asks you "What's wrong baby" You look at him and cry.

He pulls you closer and hugs you tightly.  "Baby you can tell me anything and you know it. Why are you upset. I love you and you know that.  I love you with all of my heart." He says.  Then he kisses your forehead.

You don't know what to say.  You know what you need to say.  But you don't know how to say it. You manged to say between tears "Baby you know I met you yesterday. And that there was a guy in the past.  Right?"  He looks at you and nods.  "Well babe I don't know how to say it.  So u guess I'll just spit it out.  I'm pregnant."  He looks at you then your stomach then you again.  He stands up and starts to cry.  "You stand up and hug him.  He kisses your forehead.  He whispers to you "Te amo Te amé entonces. Y te amo todavía." (I love you.  I loved you then and I love you still)  and you look up.  He squeezes your cheeks and kisses you more passionately then he ever has before.  The kiss lasted for 30 seconds at least. 

Then he asks you a very serious question...

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