Back to the beach

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Your on your way home and Julian stops at a store really quick to get something.  You tell him you'll stay in the car and wait for him.  He reassures you he's only going to be a minute.  Julian runs into the store and within five minutes he's back in. Your looking down at your stomach when he comes back.  (Your about 2 1/2 months because im skipping time and not writing about 9 months) Julian puts one hand on your stomach and feels the babies moving.  He smiles.  You give him a kiss.  He starts to drive. You rest your head on the window.  You feel Julian rubbing his hand on your thigh and you lift you head up.  You look at him and smile.
You:"Babe do we have to go home right away"
Him:"no babycakes where do you want to go?"
You:"The beach where we first met."
He smiles and turns the car around.  He's driving and you fall asleep.  He quickly looks at you and smiles.  "I love you With all my heart." He wispers.  Your asleep so you don't hear it. 
*gets to beach*
You feel the car come to a complete stop and lift your head.  It's about 1:00 and there are alot of people.  As Julian gets your door you stand up and Julian notices your bump. He puts his hand there and says "One day you and I will have two Beautiful children.  And im going to love you all more then the day before.  And I will never want to trade it for the world." You tear up and he gives you a hug.  As your walking on the beach you start talking about wedding plans. It's September now and it's getting chili.  You ask Julian if you can leave now.  He nods and you walk back to the car. 

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