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You get to the movies and Julian helps you out of the car.  Ever since he found out about the baby he's been really clingy and attached.  But it's cute.  You let him choose the movie.  He chooses "the conjuring 2" but he doesn't know you get scared easily.  He buys popcorn candy and soda for during the movie.  He takes your hand and all the the food.  You sit in the back because you were a little late to the movie itself. 15 minutes into the movie you get a little scared.  You squeeze Julian's hand and he pulls you closer to him. You tell him your not feeling to good and ask him to drive you home.  He does but he tells you in the car that it's only because your pregnant.  You both laugh for a couple of seconds.  "Ouch" You whisper but just loud enough that Julian hears you.
Him:"Babe u ok?"
You:"Yea boo I'm ok." You smile.
Him: "then why did you say 'ouch' Baby?"
You:"nothing just i feel the baby move a little bit sometimes."
He giggles.  Him:"maybe next time tell me I worry about you expecially now that your having a baby."
You smile and he gets to the house.  He walks around again. And walks you in.  You open to the living room for a few minutes.  He looks at you and smiles.  You look up and signal for him to come to you.  He kneels down on both knees and you whisper "feel."

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