I will always love you

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"How far along are you?" Julian asks not caring if it's his or not. 
You answer with a puzzle look "5 weeks we can check the gender soon.  Like tomorrow if you want"  He smiles and sits down on the edge of the bed. "This is so surreal.  It was yesterday I met you. And now your going to have a baby in like 8 months. Like I'm scared.  I'm going to be a dad. And your going t-" You shut him up by kissing him.  You straddle his legs and look at him.  "Your going to be the best dad ever Julian. I can tell you that. And I kn-" He kisses you and wraps his arms around you.  He doesn't want to let you go.  And he knows that soon he wont have too. He asked "when did you find out?" You simply reply "After my shower.   First I was feeling a little nauseous but I thought it was nothing the I did a at home pregnancy test and the results came back positive." You stood up and lead him to the master bedroom.  Julian lays down and you lay next to him.  He puts his hand over your stomach.  You are putting something on netflix and he stops you.  "Can we go to the movies instead?" He sits up.  You agree that it would be a little different.  So you get ready for the movies and Julian carries you to the car. 
You:"why did you carry me to the car"
Him:"you are carrying my future baby"
You:"Your point"
Him:"I want to prove that I can carry my family"
You:"Julian im love you"
Him:"I love you too baby girl"

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