Chapter 1 - In The Beginning (PROLOGUE)

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Finally I've begun the story.. I don't own bakugan, the pics I use or its characters i'm just borrowing them😪, I only own the story.. Sorry if some of the characters are a little oc or suckish at first.. And don't hate on me or the book eh😎

It was a bright sunny noon people where going about their work kids playing and such, at a hospital a woman's scream was heard cause she was in labour about to give birth but she wasn't looking too good, she was in so much pain she's been like this for two hours the doctors had told her she needed a to have an operation to save her and the baby but she refused to do surgery.

After a few more painful minutes of crying and screaming she finally gave birth to a baby girl. She was exhausted and weak as sweat and tears soaked her pale face seeing she was almost at deaths door, she gave a weak smile as she saw and heard her child cry loudly as a nurse handed her her baby and asked to be alone with her child. She touched her daughter's tender (y/s/c), admiring her small tiny features, she started sobbing but with joy she turned and looked at her monitor see her heart rate was dropping she looked back at her child taking in her looks, she gently held the baby to her chest and fed her as she called for Dr Kazami the head doctor and her friend (shun's mother). After some time she came into the room walking up to the sickly mother sitting next to her..

"(Y/m/n) how are you feeling" she said gently holding her hand

"Not so good but I'm happy" She gave a weak smile "I want you to take care off (y/n) she has no one else but you now please" she says in a lowly tone

"(Y-y/m/n) I can't I'm not sure abo-" she gets caught off

"Please you'll have to take care of her your all she has left.  Please treat her like your own. You know I don't have much time left" she squeezes kazami's hand a bit tighter "please take her and care for her like she's your own" she says with tears in her eyes "I wish your dad were here to see you.. But alas I have to go be with him" she says as she caresses your cheek

Shun's mom looked at your mom then you and smiled then your mom again and nods "If that's what you want. I'll take care of her I promise "

"And when she's mature enough to understand tell her everything, don't leave anything out..." "Give her a good childhood and raise her the way we would"..

" I'll take good care of her I promise and tell her everything when she's old enough " she says as she tears up a bit

"Remember my memory box that we all made when we were young"  Shun's mom nods

"Well I want her to have it and I want her to have this on her 17th birthday" your mom pulls out a (y/f/c) locket with an engraving on it and a small red diamond in the middle handing it Shun's mom wrapping her hand in it.

"I'll give everything to her when it's the right time" she starts tearing up

"Okay (y/n) time to go with aunty.. It's time for me to leave but always remember that your dad and I have and will always love and be with you.." She starts sobbing again as she hands you to your foster mom

"She'll have everything she needs and wants in life" she say as she looks at her dying friend.

"I love you sweetheart and I know you'll have a good life now it's time that I go" she says as a tear drop goes down her cheek slowly drifting into darkness letting out her final breath. She looks back at you smiling and with that she dies with a smile on her face. And thus you were born.....

Sorry as its short and maybe not so good. I dont want to waste too many ideas.. Hope you like it and the next chapter will be out soon this was just a brief prologue kay, Thanks for reading...

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