The Phantomess and the Vicomte (Raoul de Chagny x Deformed!Reader)

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In this one shot, Christine and Raoul will not be interested in each other. While they were still childhood friends, they will not be romantically interested in each other. And you are Christine's angel of music, but it is not a romantic relationship either, strictly teacher and student. And this one shot gets a little dark at one point, but it gets better after I promise.

You groan in annoyance as the shrill voice of the leading soprano fills your lair. "I thought I told Monsieur Lefevre to get rid of her before the new managers arrived," you mutter, annoyed. With a roll of your eyes, you return your attention to the wax in a spoon that is melting over a candle's flame, small wax bubbles around the edges.

You gently pick up the metal end and bring it over to the envelope waiting to be sealed. You slowly turn the spoon and watch as the ruby red wax lands on the crisp white envelope. You smile as you watch the red wax cover the envelope before returning the spoon its stand and picking up your seal. You press the seal into the thick wax and hold it there for a few seconds before pulling it up to reveal a thick red skull seal on the envelope. The phantom's seal. Yes, you are the infamous phantom of the opera and you love it.

Being the phantom of the opera has its perks. People fear and tell stories about you, you can demand whatever you want and will get it (minus Carlotta, but that would soon change), and you even knew every inch and cranny of the Opera House, resulting in hours of fun with scaring the dancers and crew members and places for you to set up traps for anyone who wandered a little to close to your lair. But, while it has perks, it did have one major downfall, which is also the main reason why you became the phantom, your face. Your deformed face.

You don't know how it happened, you assume that it was a birth defect, but you are never really sure. You have had it for as long as you can remember and all the pain that came with it. The way your mother wouldn't even look at you, the men who would stare, the women and children who would scream in fear , the preachers who believed it was the result of a terrible sin, the way the world seemed to be against you, not even giving you a chance to show what you could do. It was difficult for you to accept at first, but soon you grew used to it. And while the thoughts and memories still stay in the back of your mind, you ignore it and decide to show the world what you could do, no matter what. And with that choice, you were one step closer to becoming the phantom of the opera and the rest is history.

You smile wickedly as your attention is drawn back to the letter. The wax seal seemed to have hardened and that meant it was time to deliver it. You stand up from your desk and turn to head towards your coat rack, where your black cape was hanging. Smiling, you pull your cape off the rack and put it on, expertly tying the laces together, before walking back over to your desk. Your eyes land on the white mask that lies to the right of the letter. You gingerly pick up the mask before placing it over your deformity, fixing your h/l h/c wig once it's on. You take a deep breath before smiling again at the thought of scaring the new managers. With a new excitement, you hastily pick up the letter and head over to your boat so you can ascend upstairs.

*Small time skip*
You skip to the next rafter as you quietly stalk closer to the main stage. You can already hear the many voices of the cast before it abruptly stops from the sound of someone striking the ground. You smile. "Good ol' Madame Giry," you think with a smile. You now only hear the voice of Monsieur Lefevre, but it's too quiet to make out any words, but you assume that he is telling everyone that he is retiring and introducing the new managers.

After skipping to the next rafter, you are now above the main stage and see the cast surrounding a group of four people. You easily spot Monsieur Lefevre in the dead center of the group. After spotting him, you lazily looked over to the other three men. One of the men is overweight and has a huge bald spot on top of his head. He seems to be sweating profusely and you watch as he pulls a flask out from his back pocket. You roll your eyes before looking over at another one of the men. This man seems to be the exact opposite; he was skinny and had a head full of curly brown hair. Even though he seemed tired and old, he had a huge smile on his face and seemed to be excited to be here, unlike the other man. You watch as Monsieur Lefevre introduces those two men as  Monsieur Firmin and Monsieur Andre, the new managers.

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