A Caring Love (Enjolras x Reader)

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Word count 3111

This was requested by TheGluesGirl This was a really fun one shot to write, so I hope you like it and it's what you wanted :)
*Alica's POV*
"I need to keep running," I think as I'm running in the dark of night. "They might catch me." I make myself run a little faster, hearing the sound of footsteps behind me. I can't let those men get me because they just killed my family.

It happened so sudden, without a warning. We were all just sleeping, like normal people. I had a bad dream, so I went downstairs to get some water. Once I got my water and began heading back to my room, I heard the front door open. Not knowing what caused it, I stayed in the kitchen. I heard quiet footsteps and whispers, which I couldn't make out. Fear flooded my body as I heard the footsteps get louder, but I couldn't make myself move. Soon the footsteps turned quiet as they climbed the steps to head upstairs.

As I stood there, I didn't know what to do. If I went upstairs, who knows what they would do to me? But if I stayed where I am, something terrible could happen to them? Suddenly as I stood there debating, I hear a scream, my mom's scream. Before I have a second to react, I hear a two gunshots, then silence.

The world seemed to slow down. My parents...they're gone. I'm alone now. What am I supposed to do now? But I can't dwell on that now.

I heard a voice yell,"Where's the girl?" As I think of what they will do to me, my legs begin to run. Since the front door is still open, I just run straight out of the house. I hear them yell behind me, but I keep running, which I'm doing now.

As I continue running, I begin looking for a way to get off the streets, like an alley. Then, as if my prayer was heard, I see an alley entrance. Taking my chances, I turn and run down that alley.

Thankfully, the alley leads out onto another street. I make myself run as fast as I can and take a right once at the end of the alley. Once I'm out on the street, I see a large abandoned building. I sprint towards it, so I can hide in there.

Once at the door, I pull it open and rush inside, closing the door behind me. I sit on the ground and put my back against the wall as I try to stop my heavy breathing. Just when I think I lost them, I hear their voices again.

"I swear, I saw that girl run this way," a man's voice say.

I feel my body freeze at the sound of the voice. They can't find me; I have no where else to go if they do.

"Well, you must be blind then because no ones here," a different man's voice says.

"Maybe she kept running then because I know she came this way," the first man says.

"Alright, let's go then," the second man says.

Soon I hear their footsteps grow quiet until it's silent. The second it's quiet I release the breath, I didn't realize that I was holding, and then I start crying.

Everything terrible has happened in the span of less than a hour; my parents are gone, two men want me dead, and I'm all alone. But at least I'm safe.....maybe?

*Two Days Later*
I feel myself shivering as I'm walking in the hard rain. I cross my arms as I try to keep myself warm in my thin nightgown. The night I was running, I was in my nightgown and I haven't dared go back to my home, in fear that the men are waiting there for me.

As I'm walking, I realize that that the past two days have been absolutely terrible. I'm still grieving over the death of my parents, I'm in hiding from two men who want to kill me, I haven't eaten in two days, it's rained the past two days without ceasing, and I feel myself getting weaker everyday. I need to find shelter right now, so I can try to warm up.

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