“What?” He asked.

Katherine slowly turned her head towards him. “They really are-”

“Yes, Mother.” Michael interrupted.

Katherine’s mouth fell wide open. “I- I don’t know what to-”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything.”

Nicole fixed her eyes on Katherine. She seemed to study the older woman, trying to figure out her angle.

“Look at this one, Michael.” Katherine whispered, placing her finger into Nicole’s hand.

“That’s Nicki.” Michael giggled. “She’s a little temperamental.”

Katherine gaped. “Oh don’t say that Michael, she’s sweet.”

Michael smiled, turning his attention to Noelle. He picked her up out of her crib, took her little foot, and nudged Katherine’s arm.

Katherine turned around slowly.

“This one right here is Noelle.” He smiled, letting Noelle’s foot down. “Noni say ‘hi’ to your grandmother.”

Katherine smiled at the newborn.

“She’s bigger than her sister.” Katherine noted.

“Yeah, she’s pretty much maintained her birth weight and Nicki got a few ounces bigger.”

Katherine chuckled. “You didn’t tell me they were so adorable. And they look-”

“Just like you?” Michael questioned.

Katherine smiled and nodded, a tear forming in the corner of her eye. “I’m so-”

“It’s okay.” Michael smiled.

December 25th, 1997

Janet walked into the seating area near the Nursery carrying a small bag filled with wrapped gifts. One of the twins laid in her crib while Michael carefully dressed the other.

“Aww look at the family.” Janet teased as she set the bag down.

Michael glanced up, snapping a t-shirt onto Noelle.

Janet looked down into Nicole’s crib. She smiled and reached out her hands. “Can I hold her?”

Michael nodded hesitantly. “Sure.”

Janet took the small baby in her hands. “Hi Noelle.” She cooed.

“That's Nicole.” Michael said, not looking up.

Janet laughed. “My bad. Hey little Nicole.”

Nicole snuggled close to Janet’s chest.

“I think she likes me.”

“Well somebody has to.” Michael joked.

Janet rolled her eyes, rocking Nicole her arms. “God, they look like Mother.”

Michael nodded. “They really do.” He put Noelle’s baby blue onesie on and held her up. She stretched her legs out and bent backward.

“Woah! Be careful before you hurt your back Noni.” Michael giggled.

He gave Noelle a small kiss on her cheek and put her back in her crib.

“Alright girls, since you’re now both dressed for this momentous occasion, let’s open your first Christmas gifts! Yaaay!” He fake-yelled.

He walked over to the chair where Janet sat their gifts, picked up two gift boxes, and two tiny stuffed stockings.

Noelle beamed at him, her eyes following his movement.

He sat back down in front of Noelle and next to Janet, who was holding Nicole, and proceeded to open up the girls’ gifts for them.

Nicole’s gifts went first, then Noelle’s.

When he finished showing off their brand new baby toys, he collected all of their things and placed them in the bag.

“So what do you say to daddy?” Janet asked Nicole.

If babies could voluntarily deadpan, Nicole did.

Janet cackled. “She is not impressed I see!”

Michael smiled. “Yeah, Nicki’s pretty reserved.”

They sat there for a moment talking about Mariah and the adjustments he’d have to make back at home. He noted that even though they’d have Pat he still felt a little sad about the fact that his twins wouldn’t be able to have the parenting they needed.

“Yeah I mean it’s unfortunate but you gotta work with it. I mean will anyone else be able to help?” Janet asked.

“Well there’s Mother.” Michael responded.

“You guys are that close again?”

“Yes. I mean no. Well, I don’t know. She’s-” Michael paused, remembering his twins were right in front of him. “She’s trying. That’s all that counts, right?”


December 25th, 1997

Michael was sitting in the waiting room talking with his mother about parenting. The TV was on in the background, though no one was paying attention to it.

Diva in distress: Singer Mariah Carey-Jackson is reportedly in critical condition after delivering twin girls.”

Michael jerked his head around to look at the screen.

“Her brother in law, Jermaine Jackson had this to say earlier today:”

Michael's eyes cut to his brother as a clip of Jermaine standing in front of the hospital came on.

Mariah gave birth to two healthy little girls yesterday and we're really happy about that. Unfortunately, the birth was more than she could handle and she's in critical condition. We all love her very much and just ask that you pray for our family during this troubling-”

Michael jumped straight up. “Why the hell would you say that?”

Jermaine flinched slightly, trying to appear unaffected. “Wasn't she dying like three hours ago?”

Michael got up. “Everybody who needed to know about her condition is in this room. I should knock you in your fucking mouth.”

Jermaine, not one to be outdone, got up as well. “I'm getting sick of you acting like you all big and bad.”

“Aye now, we ain't doing all that here.” Tito said.

Latoya grabbed the kids and took them out of the room.

Michael grabbed Jermaine by his collar and pushed him against the wall.

He could hear Katherine scream behind him.

Jermaine pushed Michael off, then tried to swing.

“Somebody break them up.” Pat shrieked.

Michael threw out a punch, connecting with Jermaine’s jaw before feeling himself being dragged backwards.

Joseph and Tito grabbed Jermaine while Janet and Alfred pulled him Michael back.

“What the fuck, Mike?” Janet snapped.

“Michael, what happened to Healing the World? We all in this togetha brotha!” Shawntae shouted amongst the gaggle of people screaming at Michael.

Michael held the back of his head, letting out a slow breath. “He's been working the last fifth of my nerve for three years.”

Alfred shook his head. “This ain't the time nor the place. And you in here cutting up in front of your mother. You oughta be ashamed.”

Michael balled his fists, not taking his eyes off of Jermaine.

Alejandra jumped in front of Michael. “Why would you hit him!”

Michael snapped his eyes to Alejandra, huffing and puffing, then back at Jermaine. “Pack up your bitch and leave.”

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