The morning went on as it normally did, me taking the boys to school then going home to do my own light work out. I called Louis and bawled on the phone to him that Zayn was being distant and I was scared of loosing him. I had already felt like I lost him in a way, but I didn't want that type of life for my children. I didn't want this baby to be born into whatever mess was going on. Louis didn't really say a lot to me other than just really suggesting that I talk to Zayn. He sounded like he knew something, but I was sure I was loosing it by now.

I found myself upstairs after my long phone call with my best friend. I changed my clothes to go to my appointment that I was glad I'd see Zayn at. Maybe that will clear up some stuff. We're always both very happy to see how healthy the baby is so it usually gets him more open about talking. I sat on the side of the bed to get my shoes on, only then noticing that Zayn had left his wedding ring on his bedside table.

My heart dropped to my stomach. I just looked at the ring only having one thought go through my head. I never thought he would do this. I thought I ment more to him than that. It was probably the fact I was pregnant that made him feel the need to find his pleasure somewhere else. I picked the ring up and slid it into my pocket feeling like something was breaking inside me. I wiped my tear that fell because I wasn't going to cry over this. If he wanted to go cheat on me then that's on him. It's not worth my tears. But, then again a part of me was saying it's my fault because I'm pregnant and unattractive at the moment.

With that thought, I drove to my appointment to go check on the baby. I actually still really wanted to see Zayn that way he could confess that he found someone else in front of his sister and we can both kill him. Honestly though, my heart was just hurting because I thought he loved me more than to do this. He never left his wedding ring behind. Even if he had it tattooed on his finger, it still didn't change the fact he didn't have the band that I put on his finger after we both promised to be faithful to each other forever.

"Niall, come on back." Doniya came out to tell me after I was sitting in the waiting room. I looked at the time on my phone then to the door to see if Zayn was going to come or not. I just got up and followed his sister to go back.

"Is Zayn coming?" She asked me. I shrugged and laid back on the table, pulling up my shirt. We both waited ten more minutes for Zayn to show up, but he didn't so we continued on with the sonogram. The whole time I cried to myself quietly. The baby looked perfect and it's heart beat was beautiful, but my own heart was hurting so much because this baby wasn't going to be born into a mess of a family.

"Niall, what's going on? Are you doing okay?" Doniya asked me. I wiped my belly off and sat up to cry into my hand. She rubbed my back to calm me and said I needed to stop putting stress on myself and the baby.

"Zayn doesn't love me anymore." I cried. She shook her head and sat right next to me. There wasn't anything she could say because him not showing up kind of confirmed that what I was feeling was true.

"I'm going to drive you home, yeah? I don't have another patient today and I think you didn't need to be driving right now. I'll even pick the boys up from school and we can all have some time together. Does that sound good?" She asked me sweetly. I nodded and was really glad that she was such a good sister-in-law to me.

When I got home I went straight to the freezer and got my vanilla bean ice cream. I took that to the couch and just sat there eating it as I cried. Doniya went to get the boys from school, but I just hoped they would stay out long enough for me to eat all this ice cream then pull myself together. It took about fifteen minutes of me just sitting on the couch before the door opened and slammed shut.

"Niall?" Zayn's voice called out. I put the ice cream down and stood up, my sadness becoming anger. He walked into the living room covered in sweat like he had been working out hard at the gym. I noticed his hands were still wrapped too. He looked at me like he felt how hurt I was, but I don't think he really felt it until I reached forward to slap him.

"You son of a bitch! I'm here pregnant with your kid while you're out living your life how you want it?! How could you do this to me?!" I screamed at him. I took the ring out of my pocket and threw it at him.

"Niall, I don't understand. I forgot my ring that's all." Zayn tried to reason calmly. I shook my head and pushed him as he tried to come over and comfort me.

"You're cheating on me! Why else would you spend most of your day away from your family?! You even missed my sonogram today! You're done with me! You don't love me! Say it!" I screamed at him then turned around at I grabbed my stomach. The baby was kicking like it wanted me to stop this.

"I'm not cheating on you, Niall. I love you more than anything. I'm just..." Zayn said, but trailed off. I turned and gave him a defeated look. He let out a deep breath and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm training for a rematch with Liam Payne." He said. I felt like I had been kicked in the gut because I wasn't expecting that at all. I wasn't even thinking be would want to do something so stupid after what happened to Harry.

"You're... You've been hiding that from me? That you want to get killed?" I asked him. He shook his head and begin to say something that wasn't even worth my time. I walked out of the room and went upstairs. I wasn't sure if I was even more mad at him now or if I was better. The thing is, I love that man more than my own life, but I'm allowed to get mad when he messes up. This is probably one of his biggest mess ups that I don't even know where we can start to fix this. Honestly I'd rather him be cheating on me than going in for this death wish.

A/N: Niall knows!!! I have a big dance audition tomorrow! Wish me luck! The pic up top is of all the boys! There will be more to come in the next chapters! What is the first thing you do in the morning?!?!? Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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