Book 8⌇16. Speak Directly and Clearly

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Chapter 16 ∣  Speak Directly and Clearly


The danger was addicting and like a drug, Maverick was becoming harder and harder to stay away from. Each second alone I found myself wondering if he really did mean everything he said. He did love me, but I was trying to understand how to genuinely love him back.

At this moment in time, he was willing to die for me...was I ready to give my own life for him?


That unseen force driving us together made it extremely difficult to think clearly. I didn't want to be drawn together out of sheer limerence...I wanted to develop my own trust and love for him. Though, his fangs were still the scariest factor when he touched me.

I really wanted him to bite me, even if it would help me remember everything and how we used to be like. That option though was out of the question. He'd more than likely kill me, even when he didn't mean to.

It was a few days after our date on the hill near the lake. I thought it might be best to try and find Maverick to finally take me clothes shopping. Arlynn had been correct, some of the clothes fit me, but I needed something a little guess.

Where the hell did, he run off to? When I need him, he's never around? When I don't need him, he's breathing down my neck and won't leave me alone!

Grumbling slightly under my breath, I poked my head into the kitchen. Lucca's back had been to me, but the second he smelled me or heard my heartbeat he turned around. Narrowing his eyes, he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, it's just you..." I sighed, readying myself to leave the kitchen doorway, "I thought you were someone important for a second."

"You really should learn some manners," Lucca's nostrils flared and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I have manners, just none I'd like to demonstrate around you," I felt something behind me...

...but I nearly jumped when Locaine stated, "I believe manners are different from sarcasm."

Now there's two of them...

"Where's Maverick?" I ignored him, turning sideways to allow the icy blue-eyed pureblood to enter into the kitchen. He made eye contact with Lucca, not enjoying being excluded from the obvious conversation they were having. More than likely debating if they should tell me or not. I only came to that conclusion when Lucca leaned against the island counter, Locaine nearing the fridge door. They both stayed silent and that just made me more frustrated.

"You know, if you let me continue talking to myself, everyone's going to think I'm crazy," I sighed with irritation, the brief change in Lucca's demeanor had him stifling a laugh.

"Oh, believe me, that's not what makes you crazy," he returned my snarky comment with one of his own. Locaine had taken what appeared to be a bag filled with red liq-...oh my god that's blood. I forgot, these creatures are vampires and they need blood in order to live.

"People willingly bleed for you?" I couldn't stop my mouth from talking, pointing at the bag, and edging my way further into the kitchen. Lucca and Locaine glanced at one another and I thought I'd continue to go crazy with this silence.

It didn't last long, Locaine's eyes meeting mine as I stood across from the two of them, leaning against the island counter myself. He stated, "There was a time when humans were enslaved, and we could do anything and everything we wanted. Humans bled for regular vampires and purebloods alike, only we couldn't bite them or risk our supply running thin."

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