Book 8⌇10. Secrets Unfolding

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Chapter 10 ∣  Secrets Unfolding


To Omen's Key

Co-Written with Laisha C. Gardner

The Omen's Key can be found on the account: @DarkR0se5


The walk to this great mansion of blood-sucking demons was filled with nothing but incredibly awkward silence. Not without the occasional remarks, of course. Luckily, we weren't far. The mansion had already come into view.

I didn't know what Rayne was thinking when he decided it was okay for us to follow them after sending more than half of the coven home. I mean, not that I'm afraid or anything. With Ramsey, Micah, Everett, Rayne, and myself, it would be awfully hard for them to kill us if they did in fact try to. Not to mention that if they sunk their teeth into us, they'd literally be poisoning themselves because...

...we've been injecting ourselves with a dose of undiluted silver every day for years. They'd been around a lot longer than I, and when I say a lot longer, I mean hundreds of years longer. A single drop of their blood?

Night, night little parasite.

Anyway, something told me that if things did go wrong, the only person we'd truly need was Rayne. Whatever he was, he seemed to be intimidating the blood-sucking demons surrounding us, and I wanted answers as to why that was.

What the hell is he and why didn't he tell us?

Ultimately, I understood if I had been the only one left in the dark since I'd really only been part of the coven for five years, but the rest of them...?

Micah was the only one who didn't seem fazed by Rayne's super secret power. Then again, that might've just been the fact that he was incapable of showing facial expressions. Or...

...he probably did know. What didn't the guy know? He spent more time in Rayne's office than he did reading by himself in the dungeon, which said a lot.

If one didn't know could argue that they were totally gay.

Hmm...Rayne and Micah...?

That would actually be kinda hot.

No! Bad Cayden! Rayne's...mine.

I shook the thought from my head, shooting Ramsey a sideway glance as she huffed. I could tell that she was annoyed by the way that she glared at the back of this Arlynn person who was leading us to the mansion while the rest walked a few feet beside or behind us. Because, you know, we couldn't be trusted.

"Why do we have to go with them?" Ramsey finally spoke. She crossed her arms just beneath her chest as she obnoxiously chewed her bubble gum the way that she usually does when she's irritated.

As much as I wanted her question answered as well, Rayne seemed to be so lost in thought and either didn't hear her or refused to acknowledge her.

Thinking back to the events where Micah shot the vampire woman named Kenzie, I only saw it fit that I blame him. Even though I also fired a gun.

"It's all Micah's fault..." I mumbled, my gaze shifting to Micah as he ignored my comment, as expected.

"What?" Tamsin, the woman assassin that, need I remind you, tried to kill me, snapped in a nasty tone. "You're the one who shot my mother," she growled, glaring at me with those pretty—or whatever—eyes of hers.

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