She answered the phone in a rush “Hello?” there was a beeping noise in the background.

“Is this a bad time?” I say

“Normani?” She says then the noise falls away “No, it’s not. Sorry, it’s just I was baking and I got a new oven and the little beeper just freaks me out, but at least I know it’s done preheating.”

“Oh,” I say to that.

“Yeah, so I guess I’ll be living on cake for a while.”

“Huh,” I say “That’ll be fun”

A small pause went over the line before Camila speaks up again. “You want to come over?”

I thought about and checked the time, I would have to go get Ally soon, but I did have time, weighing out my options and then answered “Well, why not? You have already been to my place”

I could hear the smile on her face when she said “I’ll text you the address.”


Even though I knew I would be back in time to pick up Ally from pre-school, but I still asked Lauren to pick her up for me and spend some time with her because I had somehow made plans, which never happened so Lauren was more than happy to pry Allyson out of my hands for a while.

“You’re going to see Camila, aren’t you?”

I rolled my eyes “I cannot confirm or deny that.” I said as I parked in front of Camila home, it was a soft yellow color and had a porch swing. It screamed home-y and happy, just like Camila’s personality. “But I have to go now OK?”

“No, not until you tell me you’re with Camila!”

“Love you Lauren thank you for taking care of my baby for a few hours and I’ll see in a few!” I say cutting off her protest and hanging up before she can say anymore. I turn off my car and head to the door. I knocked on the door and waited.

A crash sounded from inside the house and a “Damn!” was yelled and then “Just a minute!” was called out and another sound came -running footsteps?- and the door swung open to show Camila, dressed in an apron and… red sauce substance was smeared across her cheeks as she looked at me a raised an eyebrow.

“Hi!” she said, touching the top of her head, more red stuff was now in her hair. “Come in, come in.” Camila moved out of the way and let me in. I smiled softly at her and stepped inside, the scent of cake and candy hit my nose before anything else and I closed my eyes breathing in the scent.

“How much cooking have you done?”  I said

“Well, um there are two cakes in the oven and I was making a third when… well you may as well just see it. Follow me.” she said and took my hand and began pulling me through the foyer, her living room, and then finally we rested in the kitchen I barely had time to take in how nice her house was before I noticed the mess of red on the floor.

“What the hell happened in here?” I asked looking at the blood red color

“I was just about to make a red velvet cake, but I just dropped the mix” Camila said pouting, I can see the tears in her eyes and a blush was creeping up her neck. She ran another hand through her hair, adding more mix into it. She sighed and the tears spilled over.

The instincts took over then and I was walking through the mess and wrapping my arms around her midsection. Camila’s breath catches and something that sounds a lot like a chocked sob comes out of her.

Telling Me, Love [Normila]Where stories live. Discover now