Chapter 2

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I slowly open my eyes.

It takes a while for them to focus

The white light is blinding me

The faint smell isn't new to me

A hospital.

I hate hospitals, nothing good ever comes out of them. I vowed to never go in one again, which sounds stupid, as i could have a fatal illness...Okay, I vow to never come in ahospital unless I have to. Which makes me wonder, why am I here?

I try to move my arms, but see that one is in a cast. I wonder why I didn't notice before. I was probably trying too hard not to stare at the girl with a bloody eye in the bed opposite me. I can't see her face properly, her hair is blocking it, she has a pink cast on her arm, and one on her leg. She looks so sad. 

I realise that girl is me.

My heart rate starts to increase. How. How and why? The last thing I remeber was going to the pub. What had happened?

A short nurse with a cheerful smile and bright blond hair walks into the ward.

"April! So glad you're awake!" she says.

"Whats going on...why am I here?" I reply, with a scared look on my face

"You were at The Black Arrow pub? You don't remeber what happened? You've been in a coma for four days? You really don't remeber what happened?"

"No, I don't"

The nurse sighs, and sits down on the bed, carfully dodging my cast.

"You were in the pub, and your dad was there too. A light exploded, and set off some other electrical sockets, and the pub sort of had an explosion, yo-..."

"wait...what? Explosion? Ho-How am i still alive?"

"Well, we arent sure, but I think it had something to do with you being near the door, and running out of the building. No one knows for sure, but thats the best theory we can provi-..."

"my dad." I say, cutting her off, "Where's my dad?"

She looks down. I don't want to hear her speak.

"He's in intensive care, there was a lot of damage done to back. He is almost definately paralysed. I am so sorry.  He is in a coma and on life support. At the moment you can't see him, but we'll let you know when you can, okay?"


"Yes dear, now is there anyone i can call or contact? Anything I can do for you? April? Are you okay"

"I'm fine. I just need a moment."

And with that she left the room, leaving me there in slight shock. Paralysed? This is too much. I can just about deal with a broken leg and arm, I cant really handle my eye, I'm scared. I want my mum, as childish as that sounds, I really need her. Or Laila, I need her, she would make me feel better, tell me a joke to lift the mood or something. I quickly glance at the bedside table, seeing a woman's glasses and handbag - who do they belong to? And with that, an elderly woman walks in, looking sad and tearful. Well i supose it is a hospital, she has every right to be sad. She walks up to my bed, and looks up and down my body.

"April, you're awake, I'm so glad" she says, with a slight russian accent. "I was so worried about you, and your father. I've just been to see him, and they say he isn't doing so well, so they have had to make me leave. I know this is a lot to take in, and you look like you've been slapped in the face, so I'll stop with all the news. I've brought some stuff from your house, clothes and that. I hope you dont mind, I went in your room, oh and I found this" pointing to Laila's diary. 

"Thank you" I reply, a little stunned, not knowing how to ask who she was, without sounding rude, I definatly didnt want to come across as rude. "Who are you though?" I blurt out. Great, subtle, really subtle. She chuckles, and says

"I'm your aunt? Well, not a blood relative, a good friend of your mums. Your dad doesn't like me seeing you, but i doubt he'll mind today! Now, I'll let you rest, and I'll keep you up to date with your dad." 

And with that, she turned and left the ward, her heels clacking on the greasy hospital floor as she left.

I opened the diary, and started to read.

Dear Diary,

dad was out today, all day, at work, and he won't be back until late, so that will give me about three hours to be alone. I crave these times, it lets me reflect and contemplate on the horrible things that everyone else in my life tells me. Today was one of the worst, they chased me into the toilets, and threw my books out the window. I spent the whoe afternoon in the loo cubicle crying my eyes out, wishing that someone would come and help me, save me. I cant handle all of this, i just cant. Somehow, this helps. I dont know how, or why, but it does. It just does

Love, Laila x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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