18- Argument with your kid

Start from the beginning

Zayn: “Fine baby, daddy’s just gonna sit here and wait ‘till you want to come out, okay?” Zayn mumbled, sitting next to his small daughter’s bed, stretching his long legs. A small sniffle came from under the princess Jasmine covers, making him drop his head to his hands, running his palms over his stubbly cheeks. “C’mon princess, you know I didn’t mean to yell at you…I just got scared, “Zayn said quietly, trying to stroke the small bulge under the covers, but your four years old just winced away, making Zayn’s heart sink. He had been at park with your beautiful girl, watching her biking when she had went too close to the driveway scaring Zayn half to death. “Baby girl?” Zayn tried again, brown eyes scanning the purple blanket where your girl had cuddled hugging her stuffed unicorn to her chest. He could see the top of her black, long hair where you had put few butterfly hairclips to keep them away from her face. She didn’t answer, making Zayn smile sadly. She was just like you, stubborn and over reacting at times, something what Zayn both loved and hated. He sighed again, biting his perfect plump lip when he stood up, walking to the bookshelf next to the window, picking her favorite book before sitting down. “Once upon a time..,” he started, smiling gently when he felt her brown eyes on him. She had lifted the blanket just so little that she could see the book on Zayn’s lap. “And the seven dwarfs were named Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Dopey and giggly..,” Zayn read, grinning to his intentional mistake. “No daddy, it’s Sneezy,” a small voice giggled, making Zayn look at her grinning, acting surprised. “Yeah? Sneezy, huh?” he asked, lips curving to a small smile when he looked at his little girl who had poked her nose out of the blanket. “He sneezes!” she giggled again, knowing that her daddy had read the story over million times, “Silly daddy.” Zayn chuckled, grinning happily to his little girl before attacking her with tickles and kisses. “Daddy!” she screamed laughing, trying to wiggle out of his touch, “Daddy stop!” Zayn laughed, seeing how her brown eyes scrunched close when she laughed, small baby teeth grinning. “Daddy your chin tickles, it’s itchy!” she giggled when Zayn stopped tickling her, only covering her face with kisses. “Yea, but daddy loves to kiss you baby girl,” he beamed, lifting the girl to his arms making her cuddle against his tattooed chest, small hands tickling his inked arms. “Do you still love daddy?” Zayn teased, kissing her black hair, making your daughter leave small giggles against Zayn’s chest. “Silly daddy!” she giggled leaning back before stretching her arms as far as she could, “I love you THIS much!”

Louis: “Hey loves,” you smiled, looking at Louis who was sitting in the kitchen. Your son was sitting opposite him in a small chair, small chubby hands across his chest and a small lip poking out. He glared at Louis with his blue eyes, cheeks burning red. “Oh no, what did he do?” you asked playfully, looking at Louis who was sitting in a kitchen chair, sipping his tea almost too calmly. You reached to kiss his forehead, making him smile at you a bit before pulling you to his lap, nuzzling his face to your back. “Ask that little monster over there,” he mumbled against your shoulder when he wrapped his protective arm around you, making you feel safe. “What did you do, sweetheart?” you asked amused, looking how your son sat on his ‘naughty chair’ once again. He was just like Louis, inside out, what was proved every single day. He loved pranks and funny tricks, usually taking them too far. “I did nothing!” your son yelled, small scream echoing in the silent house. He looked absolutely adorable on his soccer shirt and college pants, blue eyes furrowed when he gripped his brown hair, just like Lou when he got really frustrated. “Yes you did!” Louis exclaimed making your son pout even more. You looked at Louis with questioning look, seeing how annoyed he was. “He glued rainbow colored feathers to my Brit award!” Louis groaned irritated, resting his forehead against your shoulder, making you muffle your giggles. Your son was still staring at the floor with angry look, making you sit between two extremely frustrated boys. “Why did you do that for love?” you cooed, slipping away from Lou’s touch to kneel in front of your son. You knew how much this day had meant to him. Louis was finally home and he had been waiting for him so long. He shrugged his small shoulders, making you bite your lip. You could see how his small lip trembled when he chewed it between his small teeth. “Daddy was sad when he didn’t get a new one so I did him new one and he didn’t like it,” your son whispered, still looking down to his race car patterned socks. “What?” Louis asked behind you, kneeling next to the small child who was now crying against you. “You were sad when you talked to uncle Zayn and I watched Phineas and Herb and I wanted to make you be my daddy again,” Your son sniffled. Louis looked at you, guilt covering his eyes when he reached to his son, embracing him to a tight hug. “Thanks buddy, that was actually quite fantastic award,” he smiled, seeing how his son’s face lit up. “Really? You’re not mad that I ruined your award?” he asked. Louis’ smile reached his eyes when he let out a small laugh, “How could I? It was just one award and now it’s two! It’s brilliant actually!”

Niall: “I hate daddy!” A small three years old screamed making Niall froze before she ran away to her room to hide so she wouldn’t have to say goodbye to her daddy. “Niall,” you said silently, seeing how he had sat down to your couch, hands covering his face. You could see how tears ran down his cheeks when he tried to hide them. “She hates me,” he mumbled, looking up to you, running his hands through his dirty blond hair before leaving another sob, “She hates me.” You sighed, feeling how your heart broke when you saw the man you loved, sitting next to you totally heartbroken. “She doesn’t hate you. She loves you over anything and you know it. She’s daddy’s girl, baby. I’ve never seen someone loving their dad as much as she does,” you said silently, smiling to all the memories you had with your daughter. She loved Niall, she adored him more than anything and it was hard for her to say goodbye when Niall was leaving for a small tour. Niall shook his head; resting it on your shoulder when you lifted your head to look at your daughter, who was standing on the doorway clutching her stuffed leprechaun toy against her chest, thumb firmly on her mouth. Her blue eyes were full of tears when he watched her daddy crying against your shoulder. You smiled, opening your arm to sign that she could come to snuggle you two if she wanted. She hesitated for a moment before running to you with her toddler feet. Niall lifted his gaze when he felt a small body next to him. “Baby, daddy’s upset that you said you hate him,” you said silently, looking how Niall looked at his baby with a small smile. He loved her more than anything in entire world. Whenever he was home, she was with him. They did everything together both adoring each other with every glance. You smiled, standing up to leave them alone. She was sitting on his lap, small brown haired head against Niall’s chest when she gripped his white t-shirt with her small fingers. “I love you,” she said with her baby voice, kissing Niall’s chest, making him look down to the small girl. “Ye do?” he asked, hands around her protectively when he inhaled her scent, wishing to remember it when he was away. The three years old nodded, making Niall smile when he placed his lips to her forehead, leaving small kisses to her rosy skin. “I love ye too baby girl,” he cooed, hugging her tightly, hoping that he would never have to let her go.

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