13- He has a nightmare about losing you

Start from the beginning

Liam: You winced, covering your ears to the sudden voice before realizing what it was. "What the hell," you mumbled, almost irritated, reaching your phone from the night time table. Liam's name was flashing in the screen, making your heart stop. He was away touring with lads, but there was only a few hours' time difference; even in there it was way over midnight. "Liam, what's wrong?" you answered quickly, feeling how your palms sweated against the phone. He wouldn't call if it wouldn't be urgent. He knew that you'd be asleep. "Hi babe," he said silently, making you frown. You could hear that he had been crying. "Is everything alright? Are you okay? What happened?" you rambled, feeling how your exhaustion was quickly replaced with worry. Liam's sad chuckle made you stop your rambling, finally letting him time to talk. "I'm fine, relax babe. I just had a nightmare and I had to check that you were still there," he confessed, making you sigh in relief. "I'm still here, in our bed, and I'm not going anywhere," you said with small smile, hearing Liam's breaths from the line. He maybe was far away, but you still got butterflies to your stomach. He left out a shaky sniffle, making your heart broke. You hated how you couldn't be there to comfort him and hug him. You hated that you couldn't make him feel better with kisses and touches like you did at home. "I'm sorry," he said sheepishly, feeling a bit embarrassed when he stopped sniffling, making your eyes blurry with tears. "It's okay love, it was a nightmare," you cooed back, making his breath calm a little. "I just miss you so much," he mumbled almost crying again when he thought you lying next to him in your comfortable bed. "I miss you too Li, but you'll be home soon," you said silently, copying his usual words to you. He chuckled heartily, making you smile when you reached to the end of your blanket, fiddling with loose strings. "When you come home, I'll cuddle you all day, never letting you go," you smiled sadly, taking a deep breath, knowing that he was still worrying that his nightmare would come true, "I'll be here waiting for you and then we can just cuddle. When you're gone this house seems so big suddenly. I need you by my side Liam, so I'm not going anywhere. I'm still here when you come back and I'll be here every time you come back." His small sniffle made your heart break when he clutched the phone with white knuckles, "Promise?" You smiled, thinking about his inked arms around you, familiar weight and scent clutching you so lovingly..."I promise baby, no go to sleep. You're having a big day tomorrow. I love you."

Louis: You winced, feeling how strong arms wrapped around your sleepy torso, hands finding your small, outstretched belly. "Ssh, sorry love, go back to sleep," Louis' voice hushed silently when he pressed his lips to your forehead, making you open your eyes. "Lou what's wrong?" you mumbled half asleep, seeing how his eyes were full of tears. He shrugged, few tears rolling down his pink cheeks when he tried to smile bravely, only making an sad frown. "Not a big deal love, close your eyes, you need your rest," he whispered burying his stubbly chin to your hair, rocking you on his arms. You could feel his heart beating under you when you sat up, looking down at his sleepy, teary figure. "Lou, tell me," you insisted, hand placed to his warm chest when he took a deep breath, blue eyes looking everywhere but you. You sighed; cupping his chin and raising his eyes to look at you before giving him a long, passionate kiss, making him smile a little against your lips. "Nightmare?" you mumbled against his lips, only making him nod before he cuddled you closer, intertwining your hands, leaving them to rest on your small baby belly. "I had a dream that you and our little boy died. You just had him and you both died..," he rambled, making you froze on his arms, frightened about the thought. "Shit," he mumbled, seeing how scared you got when he clutched you closer, kissing the top of your nose. "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to frighten you," he sighed, running his free hand through his hair, biting his lip when he studied you. You just smiled, kissing his bare chest, scratching just above his chest tattoo. "It's alright babe, I'm fine. We both are, me and baby. Nothing is gonna happen to us," you said calmly, making him smile a little. His hand stroked your back when he buried himself on you, inhaling deeply with a satisfied smile. "I know love, I just love you both so much and I don't want anything bad happen to the people I love the most."

Niall: "Darlin', wake up," his silent, hoarse whispers woke you up, followed some poking to your side. "Niall stop," you grumbled, turning to your other side, trying to pull the covers over your head. He followed you, pressing a sloppy kiss to your neck, making you groan again. Something warm and liquid dropped to your cheek, making you open your eyes. "Niall, what happened?" you whispered, sitting up so quickly your head spun. He was sitting on your bed, blond hair messy and blue eyes bloody red. He shrugged, hiccupping when tears flooded down his cheeks, making your heart break. You hated to see him cry, if he was hurt so were you. "I j-just had a n-nightmare," he sniffled, looking down when tears dropped down his nose bridge. You gasped, collecting the trembling boy to your arms, rocking him back and forth. His arms were draped over your middle, cheek resting on your shoulder while he cried. His tears were silent, only voice being his hiccup and your silent words when you assured that everything was alright and he was safe. "It's okay baby, just cry it out. I got you," you whispered, stroking his hair gently, knowing how he loved it. The bed sheets were rustled around you, making a small nest in your bed while you sat on the darkness, clutching to each other. "I thought ye were gone! Ye left me in the dream and never came back. When I woke, I thought ye were gone in here too...It was horrible..," his voice was thick with crying, accent standing out when he rested his head on your shoulder, leaving small kisses to your neck. "I'm here baby, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you. Not now, not never," you assured silently, stroking his muscly back with your thumb. His sobs had calmed down but his head was still buried to your neck, eyelashes tickling your skin. Your heart sunk a little when you thought his nightmare. He knew you loved him more than anything, but he still had been afraid. "I was so relieved when ye were there, next to me just sleepin'... lettin' me still kiss ye and hug ye and just love ye..," his voice was so quiet and vulnerable it made your chin tremble. His hands cupped your face when he reached to kiss you in silence. It wasn't like any kiss before. His lips were warm and familiar, but there was something in the kiss what made your heart beat faster. "I can't believe I still have ye," he breathe against your lips, brushing your noses together, making you smile," I can't believe I'm the lucky lad who gets to wake up next to ye every mornin'...Must be my Irish luck, eh?"

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