Chapter 20 New friends

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Parkers POV

Emily had some how disappeard so did Nico and Will. I was alone in the forest. But I will be ok im sure of it. I was really worried about Emily. I started yelling her name. "Emily!" As I was walking I heard somthing from behide me. I heard what sounded like slithering. I had no weapon what so ever. But then I remebered Emily gave me her dagger.

As I about pulled the dagger out a force pulled me back. I was kicking my legs. I couldnt see what was holding me but it has a tight grip.

Emilys POV

I couldnt think. I have to safe Parker. I grabbed my bookbag I took a pack of ambrosia,neckter, my gray jacket, hiking boots, my sword obvoisly, food, and water. Then I reached in my pocket I pulled a picture out of Parker. I ran out of my cabin. I started running towards the forest when Percy and Annabeth stopped me. Dang it. "Guys let me go!" "Wow Emily whats wrong?" Percy said.

"Its nothing just let me go." "Emily somthings wrong tell us we can help you." Annabeth said. "No, you cant just let me go." I pushed them away from me. I started spriting towards the forest. I heard both of them yelling my name I heard footsteps from behide me. It was Percy. I quickly grabbed a log and throw it behide me.

He tripped. When I didnt here him any where I stopped. I sat on the ground. I opened up my bookbag. I sat there in deep thought. I pulled out a picture of me and my BFFs Samantha,Alyssa,Anna,and Jenna. It was a picture from my 12 birthday party, it was a Twenty-Øne Piløts party. I never relised how much I missed them till now.

I sat there and stared at the picture. Then I relised somthing was wrong about the picture in the corner I saw two red eyes. Then I remebered at the party as we were lissoning to "guns for hands" the lights went out. And I heard a growl. I screamed when the lights came back on my friends just stared at me.

I heard leafs crack from behide me. I put the picture away. I quickly turned around standing there was Percy, Nico, Will, and Leo. "Emily stop what your doing and tell us whats wrong." Percy said. "Fine, but you cant stop me. Parker is missing and I have to safe him." I wasnt going to tell the rest its for there own good. "Emily we can help you." Percy said. "I dont need help just let me go on my own." "Emily we are your friends we are going to help wether you like it or not." "Emily, I know your new here but you have all of us to help you." Leo said.

I have friends I told myself. But at some point I am going to have to let them go. But for now they are my friends and family. Nico handed me his hand and helped me up. I hugged all them.

Emily The Demigod ● Here I StandWhere stories live. Discover now