Chapter 18 My brother sighned me up for what now?

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Parkers POV

Its official me and Emily are dating. But we were still in the middle of an unknow forest. Me and Emily heaed back to Nico and Will. We were 1 min away from them then I heard yelling. We rushed back to them. What we found were 4 hellhounds by Nico and Will.

Emilys POV

I saw 4 large hellhounds, oh joy this will be fun I thought. When I reached for my necklace it suprisingly it was there so I opened it up and it turned into my stagnion iron sword.

Nico had his sword out. The hellhound leaped at Parker. "PARKER MOVE." I yelled. It was to late but I slashed at the hellhound. It turned its head towards me it was now loudly growling. I slowly backed up. It leaped at me. I slashed my sword at it one my time and golden dust fell to the ground.

I looked over there were 2 more hellhounds left Nico must have gotten the other. As I was charging at the last two a stronger force pulled my backwords. I looked behide me and saw the two hellhounds. What the hades, I thought. They tryed slashing me with there claws but I jumped out of the way.
There attention was all on me. Oh gods. Nico, Will, and Parker tryed yelling to get there attention off me but it didnt work.

As Nico tryed helping me out everthing was getting darker. In fact I was nolonger in the woods Nico, Will, and Parker had vanished. But the hellhounds hadnt. The two of them had surroned me. They circled me. There eyes glisened with focus. Every time I moved there eyes followed. I gripped my sword.

As I charged at the dogs. They stepped asside a dark figure appeard from the middle and started walking towards me. It was a tall and dark woman. "Hello child. Im glad im finally meeting you im Arae daughter of Nyx. I am here to help you." She said. "Look lady im not that stupid. Im guessing you sent the Hellhounds after me. And look im not trusting ok. Now sent me back to my friends or els." "Or elswhat? Oh dear child I mean you know harm." She grabbed my chin. But I pulled away. "I just need you to do a little task for me." "Ok lady you tryed to kill me and know you want me to help you? No im not doing anything for you."

"Well Emily Kara Baker. You dont really have a choice. You know that brother you call Nico he signed yoh up for this after he choice you insted of knowing somthing different." "How do you know my name? And Nico didnt have a choice so back off."

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