Chapter 43: The Perfect Day

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3rd Person View

Z = Zoe C = Chantal EC = Elyssa E = Eva M = Mack

AK = Aiden K AW = Aiden W J = James T =Thomas H = Henry M = Michael

*After people were done fighting*

J: Finally you guys are done

Z: Right the real reason why we wanted you guys to come becauseMichael isn't here because it's his birthday and we did want to set up a party everyone looks like a mess but will get chance later to change so lets get to work

AW: But what time does Michael get off of work

H: He gets off of work at like 6:30pm so we got lots of time to plan a small party

AK: Right

E:SO... Lets get to work

Andrew's POV

I took Larissa back to that blue place tree and I took her for a run. "Andrew you dingus!" she yelled "Come get me!" I yelled at her we ran we ran to the pond. "Really you made me run to the pond!" She said annoyed. "Come follow me" I said took her hand and leaded her inside the cave and took her hand and jumped in. "Really!" she yelled "yeah it's been forever since we last have done this." I told her and we were in the middle of the pond we were wet from head to toe but smiling with happiness. "ANdrew you may be right but-" Larissa started saying but I cut her off with a deep passionate her legs wrapped around my hips, her arms around my neck and my arms around her back slowly making every second count. We let go and we were looking in each other's eyes we stopped gazing and got up out of the water and I carried her to the blue tree.

Mean While........

3rd Person View

Z = Zoe C = Chantal EC = Elyssa E = Eva M = Mack

AK = Aiden K AW = Aiden W J = James T =Thomas H = Henry M = Michael

Z: Okay this is going good we have all the stuff we need now I think we should do this at Aiden K's house seeing he has a pool

AK: Thats sounds good everyone is out because they have the night shift and plus they are planning to go to out so we have the place to ours for the party

M: Perfect!

E: Then lets get moving

AW: Agreed

Back to LAndrew....... (I know I'm going back and forth but it will make sense later)

Larissa's POV

We were at the top of the hill sitting on with our backs up against the tree. We were wet we happy but this was a really good day we have talk it was nice. To let my feelings go loose. Then Andrew decide we should go to his place to continue this perfect day we were having we walked back to the with our hands linked. Then we drove off back to his house.

In ANdrew's Bedroom

3rd Person View

Z = Zoe

J = James T =Thomas A= Aiden

(I will use them in a bit just wait there is LAndrew we need to get to)

Larissa and Andrew are in Andrew's room moaning and groaning. (if you know what I mean 69 69 69 69 69)

T: OKay we are going to go back and chance since we are done setting up and it's like 6

M: Yup we are going to chance too see you guys in 15 mins

*They boys made it to there house*

*They are all whispering*

T: You guys!

A: What

T: I can't get in my room!


T: I hear things

A: What do you mean

T: listen

*They all put their ears on the door*

J: Okay we know what you mean now

A: Then what are you going to do about it?

T: I am not walking in to see Larissa's pink and gold

A: either am I

J: either am I

T: But we have all seen Andrew's purple

J: true

A: true

A: CAll Zoe she will have something to say

J: put it on speaker phone

T: okay

*They go into James' room and call Zoe*

*Phone Call*

Z: yeah?

J: We have a small problem

Z: What?

T: I can't get into my room!

Z: Why?

A: There are 2 people whiting in Thomas room right now!


J: Yeah!

Z: Is HE at least wearing a raincoat?

T: none of us really own a raincoat so we don't know

Z: That was great help!

A: So what do we do?

Z: 1 walk in on them 2 borrow clothes!

T: I feel dumb

J: Me too

T: bye

Z: bye

*Phone call over*

Larissa's POV

I was in A bed with Andrew cuddling and we were both slowly both drifting off to sleep..............

AT the party

Thomas POV

"WHAT!!!!" All the girls scream. "Can we just enjoy the party?" I asked and we party enjoyed.....

Sorry you guys for not posting I have a life so I was busy with that thing called LIFE! AND THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR 1k reads! My mind just fell out! I very thankful for each and everyone of you for reading! This book so close to being to be done! Thank you all one more time for 1k! there will be a book two I will explain that later tho so CYa!


The Landrew Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz