Now that he was aware of his reliance on Lance's strong presence, he felt as if things were ruined now. He couldn't brush things off anymore. He couldn't act natural around Lance or any of the others anymore.

Just when Keith was going to think about kissing Lance, Shiro walked into the dining hall and sat next to him.

Keith sat up properly and looked at him, wanting so desperately to get the thought of kissing Lance out of his head.

"Hey, Keith," Shiro smiled. "Wanna talk?"

"About what?" Keith scoffed. He tried to remember how he used to act around Shiro, but it felt pointless. It was if his dream unlocked a chamber in his heart. A chamber where all his powerful emotions resided. And how they were running loose and wild in his head.

"About Lance..." Shiro began. But when he looked at Keith, he saw his eyes grow dark. Shiro pushed on though. "I know what happened," He said. "I walked in on Lance kissing you."

At once, Keith grew hot. Hearing that word "kiss" out loud again made his feelings return. "N-No!" He stammered out. "I don't want to know about it. I'm done with Lance."

"It's okay to be embarassed, but I just want to be a good friend and ask what exactly is going on," Shiro said. He smiled and tried to be very polite. 

Keith couldn't say no to Shiro. "Lance showed up in my dream and interrupted my real I thought about the real Lance and..." It sounded too ridiculous out loud. Keith sighed, "Never mind...Look, I do trust you, Shiro, but this is stupid."

Shiro sighed, but he felt like he had to keep going in order to keep their team dynamic going. "I know how Lance must feel though...Loving someone who you don't know if they love you back..."

When Keith didn't reply right away, Shiro continued: "I admire Allura very much...Whether or not she feels the same kind of love for me is unseen, but it won't change the way I feel...Do you understand what that means?"

Keith didn't feel like speaking anymore. This new information about Shiro put him off. Lance feels the same thing then, he thought. He loves me, but--

"All I'm saying," Shiro interrupted his thought. "Is that it's okay to let your emotions come to the surface. No one's going to think less of you for it, Keith." He gave Keith's shoulder one last encouraging pat, then he got up and left the room.


It had been a few hours and no one could sleep yet, though Allura and Coran had gone to bed a few minutes ago. "Argh!" Lance groaned. He was sitting in the lazy room on the long couch with Hunk and Pidge. "I feel so stupid! Do you guys think I messed up!?"

Hunk was paying all his attention to his best friend and yet he struggled to understand what Lance told him. " mean to tell me you liked Keith this entire time...and you kissed him when he was unconscious?"

"You make it sound so bad!" Lance exclaimed, jumping out at Hunk in frustration. He sat back down and crossed his arms with a loud dramatic sigh. "I just--I dunno, Hunk! I let my feelings take over, okay? I didn't want to think about losing him...I might have went to a dark place when I thought about Keith never ever waking up, but once it ran through my head, I couldn't take it! So I kissed him!" 

Pidge looked up from their computer monitor with a sly grin, "You should talk to him."

Lance glanced at Pidge. "Knowing him, he'd never wanna talk to me ever again!"

"Yeah, but..." Hunk put in. "You were ignoring him earlier..."

"Because I feel bad for kissing him while he was unconscious!" Lance yelled. 

Being Awake (Klance) [Voltron WA 2017]Where stories live. Discover now