Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"How'd you bag this room then?" I chuckled while scanning my eyes throughout the space. In the centre was a large, solid oak desk, littered with a scattering of ornaments. Aside this was an extensive bookshelf that was brimming with novels, very few of which had been read. The rest of the room had been accompanied with furnishings to fill the space, with multiple coffee tables and wooden chests collecting dust.

"Pretty much just adopted it. None of the other lads really need one, but as for me, I have this kind of stuff to be shifting through," he said, lifting up the stack of files in his hand. "I kind of wanted to fill you in on the whole Legrenzi situation."

I raised my eyebrows, shooting him a questionable glance. "What do you mean, fill me in?"

"Well what do you already know about him?" Luke moved from around the back of his desk to lean against the front, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched me.

"That he's pretty much the one after us, or me rather."

"Looks like we might be here a while then," he affirmed.

"And my father's actually okay with me knowing?" I inquired.

Luke shifted somewhat uncomfortably, "Not exactly. But in my eyes nothing bad can come with you knowing what we know. If anything it could aid our situation." I sat up, twisting my body so that I was fully facing him. "Take your nightmares for example, yeah they clearly haven't actually happened, but aspects of them could be memories that have been jumbled up. Take the men that you'd overheard, what if part of their conversation links to our investigation on Legrenzi?"

I pondered for a minute or two before replying, "That implies that I knew of Legrenzi before the accident?"

"Well you were certainly aware of who he was, considering you named him from that picture," Luke suggested. "I don't know what exactly you were informed on, but we didn't find out how much of a threat he was until whilst you were in hospital, but I'm sure that you knew a little about his case."

"It'd be nothing more than you know though surely?"

"I'm aware of that, but seeing it from a different persons point of view can often make certain things stand out more," he explained as it all began to make sense within my mind. "We'll start with going through everything I know, and sieving through the case, see if you pick up on anything, yeah?"

I nodded as he made his way over to a large filing cabinet in the far corner of the room, pulling out a large ring binder before dropping it onto a large rug in the centre of the room. I moved over to where he sat himself down, positioning myself opposite him as he opened up the file.

"Where has Blake been for the past few weeks?" I suddenly questioned after recalling the conversation that the two of them had shared in the hallway.

"Morocco, checking out one of Legrenzi's places," he answered simply. "They didn't find too much though." He pushed a small file my way, which I opened immediately to reveal a selection of floor plans accompanied by many annotations and codes, none of which I was able to understood.

"Why didn't you go with them? Blake said they could have done with your help, which isn't surprising considering your standard." Luke avoided my gaze, shifting his eyes toward the paper in front of him, feigning interest. "Luke?"

He sighed, "I didn't want to leave you."

"I am capable of taking care of myself Luke," I smiled.

"I didn't mean it in that sense," he admitted softly, causing a succession of questions to flood my mind as to what he meant, though he continued before I could raise any. "But nevertheless, what was I meant to do? Leave you in Michael's capable hands again? No chonce." I broke into a small laugh at his comment before focusing my attention back onto the paperwork between us.

"So if you know where he is, can't you just like attack?" I mumbled, cautious toward saying something utterly stupid.

"There's more to it than that, but for you to understand I think that we should start with Legrenzi's background," Luke advised. "We know a lot more about him than you'd think; for starters he trained with your father. They then both advanced to work in the unit that your dad currently runs, and did so for five or six years."

"What changed?"

"Legrenzi's desires," Luke responded simply. "He'd been working as a type of mole, using his contacts in the unit to get him information that he then fed to organisations, many of which were groups that the unit had been tracking. It started out as petty tactic info, but then escalated to confidential things, which meant the money he was receiving increased, heightening his greed further. Your father figured it out after a while, so Legrenzi fled the country, joined one of the groups and now he's head of it."

"So what does his group do specifically?" I queried, not too certain on what gangs such as Legrenzi's actually did.

"They're basically a mafia group, specialising in trafficking and racketeering, but pretty much any method that would allow Legrenzi to make more money would appeal to him. They're based in southern Morocco, a place called Nador, which is where Blake and his team were, but they have bases on pretty much all of the continents." Luke extracted a selection of papers from one of the files, placing it in front of me. In the group were numerous sets of maps, with which certain areas had been circled and coded. I shifted through them; it soon becoming aware that these were Legrenzi's properties.

"What I don't understand is how I could possibly be linked to any of this?" I thought out loud, raising the question to both myself and Luke.

"Everyone's presuming that they want to use you as a bribe to try and get information from your father or the unit but I'm convinced that its way more than that Adelaide," he admitted.

"In what way?"

"Well why would Legrenzi go to all of this trouble to just get some information, the same information that he could obtain by just invading the unit or hacking our system? He has the resources to do so, so why wouldn't he?"

"You're right," I agreed. "He has to be getting something really beneficial out of this; otherwise he wouldn't give it the time of day, so I just can't comprehend what he'd want from me specifically."

"That's what we've been trying to figure out, it's one of the main reasons they went to Morocco, but I feel as if no-one is trying hard enough. We're limited with time; Legrenzi could locate us easily if he wanted, so we need to be prepared," Luke explained.

"So why is it that you can't attack?"

"For starters we don't know the scale is of what we're dealing with and we haven't been given the go ahead to attack, based on the grounds that we have very little knowledge on Legrenzi and his dealings, along with insufficient evidence," Luke stated, shifting to lean back on the palm of his hands. "Which I think is ridiculous considering what you had to go through during the raid."

"It was nowhere near as bad as it could have been, had you not been there. I don't even think that I've properly thanked you either, so thank you."

Luke shrugged, stating simply, "It's my job."

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