The Lost Ones

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I've awakened in my room, feeling hollow inside. It is a strange feeling; I'm looking around my room to see that I'm laying on the floor. How did I end up on the floor, then my memories from last night come flooding back in to my mind. My wolfSköll was displeased with the choice I made with out him.

Flash back

"How could you let this happen Augustus!" Skoll yells in my head.

"How could you allow that thing, to take what is ours; you had no right not to include me in this decision!" I know he is right, but I couldn't deal with this right now, not after losing her.

"Skoll please, I can't with this now, you know that to night this is the night our Grandfather will pass on the title of Alpha to us." I say to him. I know he is mad at me for letting her go, but I couldn't keep looking into her eyes, knowing that she will never look into my eyes the way she looks in to his. I know that would never love me the way she loves him.

"Do you think I care about some stupid title! She was ours and you let our mate go! If you had jut touched her, she would've felt the bond!"

"Skoll she was human! She wouldn't have been able to fight the mating bond! I will not take away her free will! I can't believe you would ask me to do that to our mate!" I yelled back at him; I can't believe he was suggesting that.

"She is strong the bond would've never over took her will! If you couldn't see that, then your're a fool Augustus!" He says my name with so much venom.

"Even if you are right, it's already to late. Now we just have to learn to live with it." I say. He might've been right, she was strong but I couldn't do that to her. What is she wasn't strong enough, plus she fell in love with a vampire. Tonight is her last night as a human.

"NO! Augustus, I won't have to live with this, you will." Wait what did he say, and right there I felt this crippling pain, tearing it's way through my body. As the darkness took me, all I kept thinking about was Sköll last words echoing through my head.

End of Flash Back

"Sköll," I ask out loud hoping to get some answers, I tried to stand up but something is off, like I'm missing a piece of my body.

"Sköll, please I know you're mad, but this is ridiculous, you're acting like a pouting child with the silent treatment." I say but still noting.

Then I feel this fear building up in my chest, but before I could say say it out loud, my bedroom door bursts open, with my older sister Tabitha walking in.

"Augie, why are you ignoring the mink link, we've been trying." She stops mid-sentence, and I could see the look in her eyes.

"Oh Goddess no Augie." My sister starts to cry. I know why she is crying. You would have to be and idiot not to know. The feeling of being hollow in side, Sköll not answering my calls. I Augustus Hollows am what my people call a Lost One. Meaning he/she who has lost his/her wolf and their ability to shift. Now I know what Sköll meant by he wouldn't have to live with my choice.

End of prologue

Hey everybody he's the prologue for the lost ones. I know its short but I wanted to test the waters with this one, OK so this is the start I'll try to have the first chapter up by tomorrow, if not then definitely Wednesday. Chapter one will be in Beatrix pov This was to show you guys Augustus. Ok that all for now thanks for reading please vote and comment till next time.


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